
Augmented Reality:::EVOLUTION OF MEDIA

Augmented reality is based around holding a 2D image up to a webcam and then seeing a 3D image on screen. This augmented reality technology is now being adopted by advertisers and there have been some interesting uses of augmented reality recently.

Join Starfleet Academy - Star Trek Augmented Reality

Nokia and Verizon have partnered around the new Star Trek film and have created a series of interesting experiences for online users at www.joinstarfleetacademy.com. One of the most engaging is the chance to use augmented reality to get a 'message from Starfleet' - users print off a pdf, hold it up to their webcam and get an exclusive message that they can then share through social sites.

Join Starfleet Star Trek augmented reality

GE Smart Grid Augmented Reality

GE have been using augmented reality to allow users to see 'a digital hologram of Smart Grid technology come to life in your hands.' Under the slogan ecomagination, the augmented reality piece really brings the concept to life.

GE Smart Grid augmented reality

Create an augmented reality BMW Z4

BMW are offering internet users the chance to recreate the experience of the Z4 paint commercial for themselves. 'If you have a webcam you'll be able to get behind the wheel of your own BMW Z4 and use it to express yourself.'

BMW Z4 augmented reality

Create an augmented reality Mini Cabrio

In Germany Mini used augmented reality to launch the Mini Cabrio (NB: have to use Internet Explorer to open.) Prominent full page ads in German motoring magazines acted as a base for the Mini Cabrio augmented reality experience. If readers held the ad up to a web cam, they then got to play with a 3D Mini on screen.

Mini Cabrio augmented reality

Whilst augmented reality has a novelty factor around it at the moment, it does demonstrate how offline and online media can work together to create an experience. Changing a static 2D image into a virtual 3D image is a really interesting way of re-interpreting print and as functionality evolves it could be a powerful opportunity (particularly for publishers) to really integrate print and digital.

Got a webcam? Here’s four fun websites, each offering a special picture for you to download and print off. When you hold the picture up to your webcam you’ll discover a hidden 3D animation, one that forms in the palms of your hands and that you can interact with and explore. It’s all part of a developing technology called Augmented Reality that is quickly becoming a hot online trend and one that big name companies like General Electric and Volvo are using to grab attention to their marketing messages.

What Is Augmented Reality?

It is a developing technology, one that chases a futuristic dream where all cameras have the power to recognize the world around us and are capable of giving us information about what we see through them. Today’s cameras can tell us both the time and date that a photo was taken, with advanced features detect when a face is in front of the lens or even if someone is smiling. With GPS, they can even pinpoint where a picture was taken on Google Maps, but imagine if a camera could do more. Imagine a camera that is smart enough to recognize the C.N. Tower when you photograph it. That can call up detailed information about the C.N. Tower instantly, not just text or statistics, when the C.N. Tower was built or how tall it is, but full 3D maps and models, animations that show how the tower was built or deliver detailed layouts of its many floors. Imagine your view of the world enhanced by computers.

Augmented Reality Today

We’re not quite there yet, but today’s industry is taking baby steps towards this futuristic vision. Today we have software that can train a simple webcam to recognize basic, black-and-white pictures. Large, bold images, not dissimilar from those used in children’s flash cards, these glyphs or codes can trigger a computer to generate very detailed, three-dimensional animations that appear to exist in our own world and, thanks to the tracking capabilities of today’s webcams, can move, shift, and turn, as if they are real-world objects.

Although basic in form, many companies see the marketing potential of these baby steps. A paper brochure of a magazine ad with one of these glyphs on it could be held up to a webcam to deliver a 3D model of a product, allowing consumers to see if from all angles, or simply exist as a fun trick to convince consumers to visit their website in the first place.

GE EcoImagination


To draw attention to their environmental commitments GE’s SmartGrid microsite includes a special glyph, silhouette of a solar panel for you to download and print off. When you hold the printed image up in front of your camera, you can choose to activate a virtual diorama of your choice of either a wind turbine or a solar energy installation. These are very detailed models that demonstrate the basic operations of these two utilities. Turn the paper in your hands around to see the models from all side and in the case of the solar panels, watch as they tilt and turn to always catch the moving sun. With the wind turbine, blow on your webcam’s microphone to add a wind effect and set the propellers spinning.

Living Sasquatch


An ad for Jack Link’s Beef Jerky, this fun site offers a footprint for you to download and print off. Naturally, when you hold the footprint up in front of your webcam, Big Foot himself comes for a visit. Once you have him on-camera, you can use your mouse to hover your cursor over a selection of animation tiles to make him perform different emotions, actions, and attacks, all with appropriate grunts, growls, and roars. If you drag the tiles onto the timeline interface, you can create your own Big Foot movie, complete with your own text bubbles, to share with your friends.

Papervision’s Three-Eyed Monster


Before creating the sasquatch for Jack Link’s, Boffswana created this proof-of-concept character, a three-eyed monster who appears when you hold up a simple image in front of your webcam. Make sure to turn him around from all angles and see the different things he can do.

Volvo Ocean Race


For the 2008-2009 season of the Volvo Ocean Race, fans were given the chance to play with their own virtual yacht using Augmented Reality. Once you register for a free account at the race's official website, you'll be sent a promotional e-mail with both a password and a glyph with the word "Ahoy" on it to print off and hold up to your webcam to see a detailed model of one of the yacht's appear within the palm of your hand. Hold the glyph closer to your webcam for a more detailed view of the ship's surface.

Topps 3D Live Baseball Cards


Trading card manufacturer Topps has adopted the technology for this year's baseball season. In every pack of Topps Series 1 2009 Baseball or Topps Attax cards you'll find one 3D Live card that you can take to their website and hold in front of your webcam. With each 3D Live card, your webcam will react by creating an animated model, complete with stadium sounds, of the player featured on the card. Topps says that should the 3D Live cards and their augmented reality feature prove to be a hit amongst fans, they will invest the money to have software created that will allow webcams to recognize all of their cards, including all past Topps cards already in existence so that fans can go back into their collections and experience them again with new animations.

Marco Tempest's Augmented Reality Card Trick
Here's a trick you can't do at home. Magician Marco Tempest uses a set of display glasses with a mounted webcam in order to access Augmented Reality techniques to perform a card trick. This is an excellent example of some of the principles of Augmented Reality, where our world is enhanced by looking at it through a camera connected to a computer designed to understand what it sees. Enjoy.
Magic Symbol is a new technology that brings to life real world items by turning them into 3D digital images. Consumers take a pre-printed card to a scanning point and see it turn into a pre-selected 'Magic Symbol' image on screen. This extends the engagement of printed material and gives opportunities to develop unique marketing messages.

The Magic Symbol technology has been developed by Inition (www.inition.co.uk) and has been used for a variety of clients and events. The following image gives more insight into how Magic Symbol technology works:

The Magic Symbol website has a video showcasing some of the promotions that they have run at www.magicsymbol.com - seeing Magic Symbol working in real life is the only way to explain it properly!

Magic Symbol technology gives an interesting opportunity to integrate offline / digital whilst spreading word of mouth - I think this sort of joined up approach (with one medium stimulating response in another) can only become more important as time and technology move on.

How Will "Augmented Reality" Affect Your Business؟

augmented reality is going to be a big deal for businesses. What is it? It is the idea that locations, devices, even the human body will be "augmented" by linking and overlaying additional information on top of "regular" reality.

For example, this month's Esquire will have visual codes embedded in the text — even on the cover — which you can hold up to your computer's camera. The computer will read the codes, and take you to a video or other information linked to that magazine "location." Is this just a gimmick? After all, the physical magazine is a great way to create a link to more comprehensive content. The magazine cannot afford to put too much information between its covers, but it can put as many pointers as it wants to more content. This basic notion is very, very powerful. (See the great post on this topic by Gary Hayes

Anand and I think augmented reality will change at least the following five things:

1. The nature of advertising.
We know that if you're an advertiser, you want to allow people to transact while their attention has been caught by your product or service. The beauty of augmented reality is that it allows any advertiser to bring the possibility to purchase much closer to the advertising stimulus. So, if I'm reading an interesting article in a magazine and there is an add with a visual code on it, I can then scan it with my BlackBerry or my iPhone and order it immediately.

2. The nature of location. The GPS revolution in cars has already created a low fidelity version of augmented reality by enabling maps in any car that wants them. You are already starting to see applications available on advanced phones that allow an individual to hold their phone up to a location so that the information about the location is overlayed on the screen:


Right now these are focused on tourism, but it does not take a lot of imagination to see that any sales or service force would love to be able to walk up to a building and understand the nature of the potential customers inside, or installed products to be serviced.

3. The nature of healthcare. One of the great problems with healthcare is the lack of information at the point of service. It is only a matter of time before you will have the option to link your medical information to you. There is cheap, available bio recognition technology which will allow someone to swipe their finger, or speak into their phone to identify themselves, and then to allow the doctor to have information available to them — just like Esquire allowed for the ads to be tagged to a page.

4. The nature of relationships. The next natural extension of Salesforce.com would be to have a person be able to either scan in a face (face recognition software is standard issue now with many photo products, including Apple's iPhoto) and then provide the salesperson with the best available background search on the individual whose information may be out on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social networks. Also, if you are like my friend and Diamond Fellow Gordon Bell, who has taken his whole life digital (documented in his book Total Recall, which just came out), you can link any face to all you know about that person.

5. The nature of knowledge. Much of the knowledge we need to do our jobs is not available because we have a hard time getting access to it at the right time. BMW did a concept piece on augmented reality where a mechanic is replacing a fan while wearing special glasses which project the instructions onto the car as he looks at the engine compartment. Our understanding is that this is not operational, but something like it will come.

Why are we so bullish? The military has been augmenting the battlefield for some time, and now with advanced GPS devices, better telecommunications and hand-held devices that have enough display and computing power to make things interesting, we think we are at the beginning of a boom market in augmented reality. So the question becomes, is your firm thinking about how advertising, selling, products and service will change when you can overlay the right information, at the right time and in the right form — everywhere?

What do you think? Are we at the beginning of a revolution — or is augmented reality an idea that will always be in the near future, but never here?


"Perfect Slice of Summer" tissue boxes


Background information: Los Angeles-based Illustrator Hiroko Sanders created the illustrations for the Kleenex “Perfect Slice of Summer”, new limited edition tissue box series for Target Stores. Since the illustrations are the primary part of each carton, the challenge was to create artwork utilizing a style that embodies the spirit of summer, and that works uniquely with the carton design. The three boxes are images of different fruits rendered with a stylized realism that unifies the design of the package with the brand and product.

Project credits: Hiroko Sanders, Illustrator
Jennifer Brock, Senior Designer/Brand Design – Kimberly Clark Corp.


Before & After: Nutrisoda





Hunt Adkins, a Minneapolis-based agency, recently redesigned Minnesota-based Nutrisoda:

"Nutrisoda needed to embrace its identity as a soda. The 8.4 oz can of the old packaging screamed energy drink and led to confusion. Our solution was simple: change to a 12 oz can. Second, the old mark had taken a back seat to more prominent design components. But it was imperative people recognized the brand Nutrisoda while finding a way to highlight we are a soda (albeit a better-for-you version). Therefore, we established a proper brand hierarchy that showcases our name and product, using valuable shelf space as a marketing opportunity. Finally, we used bubbles and colors on each can to display the fun, fizz, and flavor that consumers look for in a soda, while allowing the unpainted aluminum to speak to the clean, modern and healthy beverage Nutrisoda contains. Together, these add up to Nutrisoda: delicious, guilt-free fizzy goodness made real."


Product Placement

The PussyCat Dolls have a new song called, "Hush, Hush" and of course all the kids are crazy over it. But what drove us crazy was the confluence of terribly placed products in the music video, including Campari, a Nokia cell phone, an HP laptop..

Just a day after being published on YouTube, the video above has more than 80k views.

A 1:37, an HP notebook enters the scene. It's carried through "the club" by some random faceless dancing extra who delivers it to the DJ, who immediately opens up the pink-flowered laptop and begins futzing with it. C'mon dude, you've got spinning to do! A better execution might have been a passover of some random chick who is sitting in the club in sweats and a high school running t-shirt &#151 playing on the laptop. She thought this was a Starbucks, but it turned out to be an annoying club &#151 and now her daily blog post will have to wait.

At 1:52 we see flashes of Campari &#151 bottles, labeled glasses and even the booze itself, all brown and tasty looking. But where's the Jack, Bud Light and obligatory "soda"? Alas, this isn't a real club, it's one paid for by pretentious liquor and out-of-place computers.

The final installment of the strange placements, and arguably the most important one, is none other than Perez Hilton himself. He's hard to spot at first, but can be spotted at 2:26 wearing a t-shirt that reads, "Hush Hush Featuring Perez."





Gillette::: 360 "Body Shaving" launch


Gillette has launched an online advertising campaign encouraging men to use their products in body shaving. Animated videos provide men with shaving tips on how to best shave their head, chest, back, shoulders, armpits and the most popular spot of all, the groin. Each video addresses the whys and hows of body shaving. The campaign is online at the Gillette YouTube channel and and Gillette’s Body Shaving site.

Gillette Body Shaving site


Reasons for Body Shaving

The Gillette Body Grooming site provides a range of scenes demonstrating that body shaving is an activity suitable for the heterosexual male population.

Gillette Body Shaving site

Gillette Body Shaving site

Gillette Body Shaving site

Gillette Body Shaving site

Gillette Body Shaving site

How to Shave Your Groin

You might say when there’s no underbrush, the tree looks taller…

How to Shave your Head

If your grass is patchy, bald or long, there are better places to spend your cash than the barber.

How to Shave Your Back

Wall to wall carpeting? Or whatever you’re carrying around with you, you’ve decided it’s got to go.

How to Shave Your Chest

Sweaters should be bought, not grown. Guys with perfectly groomed chests, probably not born that way.

How to Shave Your Armpits

An empty stable smells better than a full one.


The animated videos were created by Proximity Canada in conjunction with BBDO New York.

cool links to Ad History sites around the net.


Marketing agencies/Client relationship


Ayman’s “wall of fame” TVC ad's

Del Monte::: Social Media Strategy Created a New Pet Food

Del Monte's social media initiative created a new breakfast treat for dogs.

NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- It's one thing to debate the potential power of social media marketing to influence product sales but quite another to watch a social media project actually create a popular new product. In his keynote address at last week's Interactive Advertising Bureau's Social Media Conference, Forrester Research's Josh Bernoff explained how Del Monte Foods did that very thing in just six weeks.


Vodafone:::taking mobile to new heights

Vodafone took advertising to new heights, using their own employees as guinea pigs in a very public demonstration of their new wireless mobile office rangeTo ensure maximum exposure for the Spanish launch, theWaskman agency set up dedicated Vodafone offices in Madrid and Bilboa... 10 meters in the air, where everyone could see them!

The purpose-built glass 'office' spaces were constructed above billboards promoting the new range and for three weeks the Vodafone teams could be seen hard at work in an entirely wireless environment.

The campaign was also taken online as employees documented their experiences through a website - containing stories about the benefits of not being tied down to a single space - as well as a blog. Vodafone employees even took to the streets in modified golf carts equipped with mini offices to further demonstrate the total mobility of their new range.Main Website

Orlen: Taxiad campaign in Poland

Taxi ad campaign by Orlen in Poland.

Coffee cups were stikced on the taxi roofs as eyecatcher.



Absolut lights out

Absolut adapts a global initiative with thoughtful segmentation, creating empowering experiences where people can see that making a difference doesn't have to be a chore."

Absolut Vodka wanted to do its bit to help combat global warming as part of its thought provoking “In an Absolut World” campaign. The brand created Absolut Global Cooling to encourage consumers to reduce the effects of global warming by offering simple steps they can implement in their daily lives. The marketing challenge was to engage US Hispanics of legal drinking age to be socially conscious and contribute to the Global Cooling initiative.

The US Hispanic neo-yuppie was identified as an important segment of highly educated affluent consumers aged 21-39. Absolut created bilingual communications including radio, bar/club activation, retailer point-of-sale and celebrity endorsement. Absolut teamed up with Reggaeton artists Angel & Khriz to drive the Global Cooling message in bars and clubs with “Absolut Lights Out” parties. People were encouraged to compete to produce energy through human-powered generators and bicycles. If enough energy was created, a six-foot pillar of Absolut bottles would be fully lit. Hand held devices also stored energy that was used for the anticipated Lights Out moment, which was announced by the DJ with a countdown. The lights in the club would then be turned off for one minute. Then Lunix balloons, generated by human energy would illuminate the whole venue.

There were more than 20 Lights Out Parties, which lead to an increase of on-premise sales of around 5% over the duration of the programme.




Pernod Ricard


Drinks (alcoholic)




Aug 2008 - Sep 2008


The Axis Agency



Rona:::Dripping genius

Never let a good opportunity pass you by...

Targeting peak hour traffic in the vicinity of the Jacques Cartier Bridge,Montreal, two cranes raised a billboard sized banner depicting paint tins collecting the colour drips underneath the Apple ad with the tagline ‘We collect leftover paint’.

This off-the-cuff stunt chimes perfectly with the brand's new "Doing it Right" initiative which spotlights RONA's sustainable development efforts, including the sale of eco-responsible products, its paint recycling initiatives and its new policies on pesticide sales and wood products procurement.

Mercedes-Benz:::Object of Desire


The photos which you take can then be downloaded in high-resolution to be used as wallpaper, or bookmarked/shared viaFacebook, Digg, Mister Wong or Delicious.
Berlin-based Scholz & Volkmer is resposible.
The German automaker surprises us with an impossibly slick interface on a new website to promote the E-Class Coupé 'Now you can witness for yourself how the elegant Coupé engages the admiring looks of all those around it, and discover its beauty through the eyes of 30 beauties.'
Celebrating the launch of the new car, German supermodel Julia Stegner was photographed posing artistically alongside it - by iconic fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh. Extending ther comparison of these two 'beauties' is an interactive site which features not one, but thirty models positioned around the car.
The interface allows users to switch seamlessly between each model's viewpoint and then use any position to take their own arty shots. By flipping a simple switch, the screen turns into a camera viewfinder; the frame can be dragged around and a zoom function lets you zoom in, with the interface automatically focusing your composition. Once your shot is taken, flipping the switch off reverts the screen back to the model's view, from where you can continue to explore all that attractive 'bodywork'...

Object of Desire Website

Developers creating apps for social media sites are emerging as a profitable force


"This has interesting ramifications for social media sites going forwards. It is foreseen that the current status quo of having few big networks is unsustainable, and that social networks will start to splinter into communities of interest (travel, music, food, etc.). As this happens, there's a matured opportunity for advertisers to partner developers on specific apps targeting niche audiences. Companies which have already proved their credentials will become big players. Advertisers, start taking note of up-and-coming developers - these guys could be your business partners sooner than you think!"
Developers move beyond second fiddle status and begin to rival social media sites themselves in revenue terms

Developers creating apps for social media sites are emerging as a profitable force in their own right, collecting revenues that look set to eclipse Facebook’s income from advertising.

Happily, a fascinating article from AdAge.com - link to the full text below - finds that the world’s biggest social network is benefiting from their success: the site is expected to earn $500m in 2009 revenue from such apps.
Social gaming company Zynga, for instance, is the top developer on Facebook. The lion’s share of its revenue comes from the sale of chips for its Texas HoldEm Poker (pictured, right, along with other titles published by the company). Weapons in Mafia Wars (pictured, above) are also a money-spinner for the company. Zynga is expected to take over $100 million in 2009.

According to AdAge, there are at least a half dozen other companies in the $10 million to $50 million range, as well as a clutch of smaller players.

7 Skills for a Post-Pandemic Marketer

The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...