Chiquita. Their bananas easily identifiable by the blue sticker, which has been placed by hand on every single banana since 1963, and has been used as a promotional tool over the years. The latest sticker campaign, created by DJ Neff uses the shape of the sticker to create more than twenty kooky characters and serves as the basis for a significant online attraction.
Chiquita's latest ad campaign imbues its audience with an instant sense of wonder. Using playful illustrations on stickers juxtaposed to the iconic Chiquita stickers, the product and brand become more engaging to the consumer—plus they just look cool. The cornerstone of the campaign relied on the little blue stickers, the biggest icon for the brand, and the biggest way to get the word out.
"Dont Let Another Good Banana Go Bad" was the through line of our campaign and it was incorporated into all of our work. The idea grew into a fully immersive microsite that contained viral videos, a sticker generator, and a completely unique 3D flash game called Banana Boogie Battle. This experience gave the users opportunities to create their own banana sticker personality and breakdance battle against bananas that have turned to the dark side.
Client: Chiquita Banana
Campaign Name: Eatachiquita
Creative Direction: DJ Neff, Mark KrajanArt Direction: DJ NeffDesigners: Hillary Coe, Luis GonzalezContributing Designers: Dyanna Csaposs, Nick Perata, Roscoe FergusonDevelopers: Neil Katz, Chris Isom, Isaac DettmanCG Developers: Kyle Figgins, Ryan Kaplan, Steve Han, Gene ArvanProduction Company: The Famous Group