
Outcome of many debates and disagreements

Agencies in this part of the world nobly take it up in the Ass .. agencies are becoming like retail shops in how they sell their products

The downgrading process started by giving away creative in exchange for media cut AKA media commission. Ideas were thrown in as added value  and for nothing.
So called marketers, ask for options and alternatives not smart cost effective and high return on dollar investment solutions.

Burning out client service and creative in 12-20 pitch a year while marketers mix and merge concepts AKA tweaking and twisting with their in-house creative-less designer in a very agonizing, exhausting process called creative services request for proposal leaves a few good people in emptiness,

Pitch fees
Agencies have to start asking for pitch fees regardless of whom wins even the top one need to charge for time and ideas presented.

Retainer structure
Should be exact response to a marketing calendar where agency and future client negotiate scope of work, planning caliber , creative resources and development process in details.

Going back to basis
Where the fuck quantitve, qualitative and usage trends gone? At least can I see a retail audit report or target group defining based on lifestyle , role or life status? Any thing boys and girls rather than our CEO thinks, feel -and the worst one- wants???

Extra work= extra budget for agency

The marketer adds extra work into the proposed scope, and the agency takes on all the work at no extra cost. So the agency comes to the party to help out hoping that they can make it up in production in another word takes from the value of the production which devalue the final output. Bad advertising!

I am talking to agencies here hoping to save the little lift with; marketers on the other hand are hopeless.

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