Diabetes meters are generally functional rather than fun. This works fine for adult diabetics, but doesn’t make the testing process very engaging for children. By transforming a potentially harrowing experience into a fun one, Bayer eases a potential source of family tension. Partnering with an existing handheld gaming console makes it even easier to slot into people’s lives. It’s a winner for kids, parents and Bayer.
Parents of children with diabetes face a constant struggle to instil the habit of regular blood glucose testing that is critical for managing the disease. Monitoring diabetes requires a pin prick single drop of blood, which can cause a gallon of distress amongst children. Blood glucose monitors had traditionally been created with adults in mind, but pharmaceutical and health care company Bayer sought to address this with the launch of Didget – the first and only blood glucose meter for kids, which connects directly to Nintentdo DS and DS Lite gaming systems. |