Tools for Tracking, Measuring, and Evaluating Brand's Online
Tok & Stok :::Stok clearance
‘Sale’ signs are so ubiquitous these days that retailers often struggle to cut through the clutter and get their discount offers noticed. This was the problem facing Brazilian furniture retailer, Tok & Stok, and its solution was one of the most innovative poster campaigns of the past few years.
In Brazil, Tok & Stok has built up a reputation has a high-end furniture retailer. Its design style is minimalist, uncluttered and clean and this had to be reflected in its advertising campaign. It was also imperative that Tok & Stok drew a large crowd for the sale as it was its biggest of the year and the retailer had a new range of stock waiting to go on display.
The posters were designed to look like furniture and left in places that would surprise and amuse the public. Some were made to look like tables, some chairs; others were rolled up into a cone and attached to the walls of malls and give the impression of lampshades. Every poster was almost entirely white with a simple Tok & Stok logo and discount offer, relating to the item the poster was suppose to represent, in one corner.
The posters gained a lot of attention in Brazil and enhanced Tok & Stok’s reputation for sophisticated furniture solutions. The interest translated directly into sales with the retailer selling out of its discount stock in a matter of days.
BRAND: Tok Stok
REGION: Brazil
DATE: Aug 2009
Wispa Gold Bar::: For the love of Wispa

Talk Talk:::Put-Pocketing

Londoners tend to expect the worst when they see somebody loitering near their bag, and usually they would be right to. But telecoms operator, Talk Talk, has launched a campaign employing ex-pickpockets to distribute cash to people in London without them even realising.
Certain factions, including those that have previously been pick-pocketed, have taken issue with the idea. But the campaign has been given the blessing of the Metropolitan police and each ‘put-pocket’ – as they are being called – carries ID, in case he is caught in the act, and is watched by a minder.

20 put-pockets roamed around the traditional pick-pocketing heartlands including Leicester Square, Oxford Circus and Covent Garden as well as on the tube network. Once they had found a ‘mark’, they would approach and slip a crisp £20 note onto their person, along with a branded Talk Talk card. The telecoms company plans to distribute over £100,000 in this way. Strategically placed signs, reading ‘Rejoice! Put-pockets operating in this area’, warn the public of the put-pockets presence.
A YouTube video showing the operation in action has turned into a very successful viral. The scheme has been in operation since July and so far none of the put-pockets have been rumbled.

BRAND: Talk Talk
BRAND OWNER: Carphone Warehouse
CATEGORY: Telecoms/ Mobile
DATE: Jul 2009 - Oct 2009
AGENCY: In House
Aviva car insurance:::

Aviva wanted to engage consumers when they would be in the right frame of mind to think about car insurance. The obvious solution was to target motorists when they were actually on the road, so the insurer decided to advertise with In Your Space.
In Your Space displays advertising on the sides and back of its trucks. According to the media owner, 64% of motor vehicle traffic is via motorways and major A-roads, which are covered by its moving billboards. It recently carried out a £70,000, 12-month long research programme to provide the likes of Aviva with specific targets.
Aviva’s campaign is running on a total of 210 ad sites - termed as ‘high reach billboards’. The lorries carrying the ads will cover more than one million miles of road. If estimates prove correct, the campaign will communicate to over 24 million motorists every month, with each motorist expected to see the adverts at least 7 times, delivering a total of 508 million impacts over the three-month campaign period.
With TV advertising overloaded with insurance companies, it makes sense for a car insurance firm such as Aviva to move its advertising into a more relevant space for its target market, although the environmental impact of such advertising may concern insurance customers in the future.
BRAND: Aviva car insurance
CATEGORY: Automotive
DATE: Aug 2009 - Oct 2009
MEDIA OWNER: In your space
Target:::Bag a billboard

BRAND: Target
BRAND OWNER: Target Corporation
CATEGORY: Accessories/ Clothing/ Footwear
DATE: Sep 2009 - Jan 2010
AGENCY: Mother
Whisper:::Period drama

‘That time of the month’ is one of its politer descriptions, but the onset of a woman’s period has neverbeen something for them to get excited about. Attempting to reverse this trend, Singapore-based hygiene brand, Whisper,
decided to try and improve women’s perception of their own menstrual cycle and in doing so build brand affinity.

Research conducted by global communications company, MS&L Singapore showed that only 22% of women were able to correctly identify the various stages of their own menstrual cycle. Not only was there a lack of understanding about the biological goings-on, a woman’s period was also seen as something of a taboo subject in Singapore.

To increase awareness, Whisper built a dedicated website, ‘Happy It’s Here’, that identified the various stages of the menstrual cycle and provides helpful tips and ideas of activities and exercises, such as kickboxing, that women can perform to help relieve their pent-up frustration. Visitors to the site are directed to aFacebook group where they can discuss why they are happy about the onset of their period as well as offer a sympathetic shoulder and encouragement to others.

The group currently has over 4074 members and is growing daily. Aiming to improve women’s perception of their periods is an ambitious campaign objective but if Whisper can pull it off, the public perception of its own brand will improve dramatically.
The Whisper “happy it’s here!” initiative aims to help young women embrace their womanhood by sharing the many positive secrets of the menstrual cycle and encouraging open conversations around it within a community of like-minded women.
Whisper is dedicated to creating happier periods for women. As the first to bring new and innovative feminine care products such as Ultrathin products and pads with wings, Whisper continues to play an integral part in the lives of women in Singapore and around the world.
Images above are from Happy it's here media and blogger reception
BRAND: Whisper
WWF:::The Impact on Global Climate Change"meltdown"

Most people only get to experience the Arctic region through nature programmes on TV, so the problem of Arctic warming is not something we are immediately aware of.
WWF wanted to make sure that ‘out of sight’ did not mean ‘out of mind’ by highlighting the risks of Arctic warming and show the direct effect of climate change in the Arctic on the whole planet. A major report compiled by WWF, entitled Arctic Feedbacks: The Impact on Global Climate Change, reveals that rapid retreat of ice could lead to the sea level rising by one metre in this century alone, threatening a quarter of the world’s population. Warming in the Arctic could also substantially increase carbon dioxide and methane emissions in the atmosphere as a great quantity of those gases are stored in the Arctic’s frozen soils or wetlands. WWF wanted to ensure that climate change was seen as a political priority for the months leading up to the United Nations Climate change conference in December.
To coincide with the release of the report, WWF teamed up with Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo to create 1,000 tiny ice sculptures of people. These were positioned on the steps of the music hall in Gendarmenmarkt public square in Berlin.
The sculptures began melting in 30 minutes, perfectly illustrating the impact of melting ice caps on humanity.
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