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Tanmia Chicken|Summer Nuggets
Brand Review:::Batatee5

Brand Owner: Batatee5 Creations
Geography: Jordan
Launch Date: 2008-2009

- Batatee5 is truly engaging brand, it was created by lovers and consumers not by marketing departments to tap into basic mind slots of Cold, Healthy & Fresh nuggets watermelon.
- Users inspire and drive brand presentation.
- User immediate reactions approves / disapprove consumption.

Unique and extremely differentiated & highly supported by natural combination of watermelon RED, Green colors

At this age of a newly launched brand , existence of brand owners is developing high networking impact and recruiting daily brand advocates .
An intervention of an expert in fruit photography & food stylist will add value to brand communications materials.
Growth Potential

Once the business idea formulated out of –only- summer related concept, all indicators are skewed towards creating viable, sustainable brand .
Marketing communications is a key driver for the brand to be developed and elevated, and there is an noticeable evident for the need to combine a brand expert in the business model at this stage ...

Utilizing social media is not yet employed strategically, Facebook page and a fan page is not enough to reach and create business developer word of mouth .
For Batatee5 brand to progress up, I believe the need to look & to be inspired by the below innovative concepts and initiatives.
They could inspire Batatee5 for the brand to benchmark and outperform..
Korean... Made in Amman
Won-Ho Chung, a Korean born in Saudi and raised in Jordan
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