Drink poster slammed by ASA ruling

LONDON - A poster claiming that POM Wonderful pomegranate juice could help consumers "cheat death" has been axed by the Advertising Standards Authority.
The poster, which showed a bottle of the juice with a severed noose around its neck, attracted 23 complaints from people who felt the ad communicated false and misleading health benefits.POM Wonderful argued that consumers were unlikely to take seriously the obvious untruth in saying that the antioxidant power of the juice could help cheat death.
The company claimed that it was a typical technique in poster advertising to use a powerful, yet brief statement to sum up the brand.However, some of the complainants had interpreted the ad to mean that the antioxidant power of pomegranate juice contributed somehow to a longer life.
The ASA noted that the claim "cheat death" was an exaggeration, however, it was felt the overall ad text was ambiguous and if read as a health claim, was likely to mislead.
The ad must not appear in its current form again.
Advertising Standards Authority scraps Tesco poster ad

08-Apr-09, 06:00
LONDON - A poster featuring a 50 per cent off promotion in Tesco stores has been banned by the ASA for including items not in the sale.
The poster showed an iPod nano plugged into a docking station next to a price tag of £74.98, with £149.97 and £99.97 crossed through. Additional small print stated "Ipod [sic] not included".
LONDON - A poster featuring a 50 per cent off promotion in Tesco stores has been banned by the ASA for including items not in the sale.
The poster showed an iPod nano plugged into a docking station next to a price tag of £74.98, with £149.97 and £99.97 crossed through. Additional small print stated "Ipod [sic] not included".
Three people complained that the ad was misleading as it implied that the iPod was included in the price.
Tesco Stores argued that the iPod was shown installed in the docking station for illustrative purposes only and the small print at the foot of the ad supported this.
Tesco believed that customers would not expect that the iPod was included in the offer as it generally retails at about £100.
The ASA felt that the main body of the ad, which featured just the illustration and price, did not explain properly what was for sale.
The small print was not felt to be sufficiently prominent to ensure it was not overlooked by customers.
Therefore, the watchdog concluded that the poster was likely to mislead and must not be shown again in its current form.
Tesco assured the ASA that it would give clearer item descriptions in future advertising.
How to use “official” envelopes for direct mail
There are two basic envelope strategies for direct mail packages: the teaser envelope and the mystery envelope.
The teaser envelope is just what it sounds like. It’s a direct mail envelope covered with teaser copy about the envelope contents. This makes it clear that the contents are advertising something. Often there are photos or illustrations, copy details, even a statement of the offer.
The mystery envelope by contrast, generally gives you no clue about the envelope contents. Sometimes the envelope shows nothing more than the return address and postage or looks like a personal communication.
The idea here is for the mailing to not look like advertising.
“Official” envelopes are a subset of the mystery envelope. They don’t tell you exactly what’s inside, but they raise the curiosity level by making it appear as if the contents are important and urgent.
Here’s an example I received recently:

This official looking envelope uses a simple red bar across the front with the words “OFFICIAL BUSINESS” and the outline of an eagle, giving it a semi-governmental appearance. The words “Immediate Reply Requested” adds a touch of urgency.
Also note how the Washington D.C. address works with the concept. There’s no printed indicia, but rather metered postage, something used for business correspondence.
No teasers. No handwriting. No pictures. No clue about what’s inside. All you know is that this envelope looks important and better be opened. I knew the technique being used and even I felt compelled to open it.
What’s inside? A renewal notice from Advertising Age. Do I feel tricked? No. And that’s the beauty of the official envelope. While it creates the impression of an urgent message, it doesn’t mislead you in any way.
When should you use an official envelope like this? My general rule is that if there is any doubt about whether you should have teasers on the envelope, go with a mystery envelope. If you’re not sure the plain mystery envelope is right, try the official envelope.
The only caveat is to make sure you don’t carry the idea so far that you end up deceiving and therefore annoying your prospects (and violating basic ethical guidelines). You don’t want to create an envelope that masquerades as a notice from the IRS, for example. The envelope I’ve shown you above is a good example of how to do it right.
The teaser envelope is just what it sounds like. It’s a direct mail envelope covered with teaser copy about the envelope contents. This makes it clear that the contents are advertising something. Often there are photos or illustrations, copy details, even a statement of the offer.
The mystery envelope by contrast, generally gives you no clue about the envelope contents. Sometimes the envelope shows nothing more than the return address and postage or looks like a personal communication.
The idea here is for the mailing to not look like advertising.
“Official” envelopes are a subset of the mystery envelope. They don’t tell you exactly what’s inside, but they raise the curiosity level by making it appear as if the contents are important and urgent.
Here’s an example I received recently:

This official looking envelope uses a simple red bar across the front with the words “OFFICIAL BUSINESS” and the outline of an eagle, giving it a semi-governmental appearance. The words “Immediate Reply Requested” adds a touch of urgency.
Also note how the Washington D.C. address works with the concept. There’s no printed indicia, but rather metered postage, something used for business correspondence.
No teasers. No handwriting. No pictures. No clue about what’s inside. All you know is that this envelope looks important and better be opened. I knew the technique being used and even I felt compelled to open it.
What’s inside? A renewal notice from Advertising Age. Do I feel tricked? No. And that’s the beauty of the official envelope. While it creates the impression of an urgent message, it doesn’t mislead you in any way.
When should you use an official envelope like this? My general rule is that if there is any doubt about whether you should have teasers on the envelope, go with a mystery envelope. If you’re not sure the plain mystery envelope is right, try the official envelope.
The only caveat is to make sure you don’t carry the idea so far that you end up deceiving and therefore annoying your prospects (and violating basic ethical guidelines). You don’t want to create an envelope that masquerades as a notice from the IRS, for example. The envelope I’ve shown you above is a good example of how to do it right.
Philips:::Simple gift of time
CATEGORY:Pharmaceuticals/ Healthcare
DATE:Jan 2008 - Apr 2008
The Philips target audience in China is an affluent, working, white collar audience. They have busy work and social lives.
CATEGORY:Pharmaceuticals/ Healthcare
DATE:Jan 2008 - Apr 2008
Philips brand proposition is ‘Sense and Simplicity’. It is relatively easy to communicate within their traditional consumer products divisions, but harder for Philips’ Healthcare division to become meaningful and rewarding to consumers in Chinese hospitals.
The Philips target audience in China is an affluent, working, white collar audience. They have busy work and social lives.
Time in busy cities like Shanghai is scarce and can be wasted when dealing with government bureaucracies like hospitals which have long waiting times and a ticketed queue system.
Philips developed the communication platform called ‘Create Time’, to bring Sense and Simplicity to life in the most meaningful way possible by giving consumers back that most precious commodity, their own time. 

The brand developed a tool that let patients track their place in the hospital queue. This freed them up to leave the hospital for 3 or 4 hours without missing their appointment.
Once given their place in the queue, patients registered their mobile on a Philips terminal and received a text message giving them time to get back to hospital. Philips inserted brand messages into the text response mechanisms.
5 major hospitals installed the system, which reduced over-crowding in public areas and increased the efficiency of their patient flow.
At the same time Philips rolled out a TV campaign that demonstrated the benefits to consumers in using the newly refurbished, less crowded community clinics, rather than the major hospitals.
It showed consumers that they could save time by visiting the community clinic. By working with the Public Health Bureau to classify the Philips commercial as an official public health message we secured a 65% reduction in Shanghai TV airtime costs.
The system has already been rolled out to 10 hospital departments in Shanghai. Each terminal is used by 125 consumers per day on average, creating time for them and reducing congestion for remaining patients. Our simple, common sense system saves each patient 3 hours on average
Calippo:::Enjoying Habbo with Calippo
CATEGORY:Confectionery/ Snacks
DATE:Apr 2008 - Sep 2008
Calippo is a well known brand in Spain, with a reasonable high level of penetration amongst the core target audience, but it wanted to increase the average frequency of consumption among 11-17 year-olds
Realizing teens do not make a real difference between the “real world” and the “digital world, Calippo developed a partnership with Habbo Hotel, the most successful virtual world in Spain for our target.
Habbo Hotel teens need “habbo credits” to buy “furnies” (elements they use to furnish their rooms) and the more “furnies” they get the more popular and successful the user becomes.
Normally the only way to get habbo credits is buying them, but Calippo offered them for free and additionally offered them other activities, games, “furnies”, rooms, badges, etc that would give added value to their lives. Calippo put codes in the covers of the ice lollies which could be exchanged for habbocredits at www.calippo.com.
This activity was supported by TV, magazines and online, with all creative carrying a call to action relating to Habbo Hotel.
Some 626,761 codes were exchanged for habbocredits, and the value sales increased by 20,66% versus the previous year. 298,170 Calippo Badges were delivered within the Habbo Community and the Calippo room (within Habbohotel) was the most successful room during the period of the campaign.
The site www.calippo.com received 1,232,996 visits during the period of the campaign becoming the top ice cream site in Spain.
CATEGORY:Confectionery/ Snacks
DATE:Apr 2008 - Sep 2008
Calippo is a well known brand in Spain, with a reasonable high level of penetration amongst the core target audience, but it wanted to increase the average frequency of consumption among 11-17 year-olds
Realizing teens do not make a real difference between the “real world” and the “digital world, Calippo developed a partnership with Habbo Hotel, the most successful virtual world in Spain for our target.
Habbo Hotel teens need “habbo credits” to buy “furnies” (elements they use to furnish their rooms) and the more “furnies” they get the more popular and successful the user becomes.

This activity was supported by TV, magazines and online, with all creative carrying a call to action relating to Habbo Hotel.
Some 626,761 codes were exchanged for habbocredits, and the value sales increased by 20,66% versus the previous year. 298,170 Calippo Badges were delivered within the Habbo Community and the Calippo room (within Habbohotel) was the most successful room during the period of the campaign.
The site www.calippo.com received 1,232,996 visits during the period of the campaign becoming the top ice cream site in Spain.
Purina::: Be your cat

DATE:Mar 2008 - Aug 2008
To keep its brand portfolio fresh, Purina was about to introduce the new Taste Sensations line for its Friskies cat food.
DATE:Mar 2008 - Aug 2008
To keep its brand portfolio fresh, Purina was about to introduce the new Taste Sensations line for its Friskies cat food.
Unfortunately for the brand, consumers often view the entire brand portfolio as a singular flavor option.
Purina needed to drive awareness for the new options and differentiate between the new varieties and Friskies current line-up.
Cat owners are “food polygamists” when it comes to cat food. They know that if they feed their cat too much of one flavor, they’ll stop eating altogether, keeping them from committing to one regular brand.
Research into cat behavior narrowed the cause of their picky eating habits to their instinct to “hunt” and the level of interest in their meal.
Purina partnered with online gaming channel Double Fusion to create the first-ever scavenger hunt online game. Gamers were challenged with “hunting” the Friskies Butterfly logo throughout a series of different games – just like their cat’s Seeking Circuit before mealtime! By clicking each logo they found, cat enthusiasts were engaged with multi-sensory sight and sound messaging about the four different varieties of Friskies cat food.
Purina partnered with online gaming channel Double Fusion to create the first-ever scavenger hunt online game. Gamers were challenged with “hunting” the Friskies Butterfly logo throughout a series of different games – just like their cat’s Seeking Circuit before mealtime! By clicking each logo they found, cat enthusiasts were engaged with multi-sensory sight and sound messaging about the four different varieties of Friskies cat food.
Each day, the person who found the most Friskies Butterflies throughout all games was awarded a code to download their choice of Double Fusion Game for free. 

The games were surrounded with rich media banners showing cats doing their own seeking circuit – finding Friskies varieties at the end. Site users were also given the opportunity to play 10 of the site’s premium priced games for free for an hour their first time, courtesy of Friskies.
The program was supported by other cross-platform media such as TV, search and online branding.
The Taste Sensations brand experienced a 13.7% lift in unaided brand awareness. The click through rate on the Friskies Seeking Circuit banners surrounding the game was 6x the average for a Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) brand.
7 Skills for a Post-Pandemic Marketer
The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...
Stretching 60 metres across and featuring blue halo lighting, sculptured front-lit lettering 2.5 metres tall and a variety of 2D cut-out cha...
Creating online content is easy. However, creating actionable online content without using the right tools can be quite challenging. The g...