Showing posts with label Marketing-KIDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing-KIDS. Show all posts
Play Doh| free play time
Problem: How do you make new advertising for a brand that’s been the category leader for over 50 years?
As kids learn to use technology at a younger and younger age, creative toys that allow unstructured free play time are increasingly cut out. Since Play Doh has been around for so long, it tends not to be top of mind.
Insight: Today’s parents grew up with and are still nostalgic for Play Doh. Just the smell of it brings back fond memories.
Solution: Play Doh scented print ads in women’s and parenting magazines reminding parents of the importance of creative free play time for their child’s development.
MY Role: Concept development, copywriting and photography. AD: Warner Whatley
CW: Adam Aceino
CD: Wayne Gibson
CW: Adam Aceino
CD: Wayne Gibson
The amazing children's book peripheral by Mobile Art Lab that turns an iPhone into an interactive reading device is now selling on Japan's Amazon and a couple of other stores (Rakuten, 7netshopping) for about $30 in yen equivalent. .

Pampers|Hello Baby - iPad App
— This has got to be one of the smartest iPad Apps out there.
The app, called Hello Baby, made its debut during Apple's launch of the tablet computer this month. It is Pampers' first mobile device application; the brand never launched an iPhone app. The move is also part of parent company Procter & Gamble's push to position its brands at the forefront of new and emerging technologies, especially as the packaged-goods titan shuffles more marketing dollars into digital, mobile and social media.
The app, available for free on iTunes, is essentially a pregnancy calendar, where users can track weekly progress from weeks four to 40 by entering the baby's due date. (The calendar draws on baby and parenting content taken from Pampers' "Village" online community site, said Susan Liao, a digital producer at StrawberryFrog, the agency that worked on the app.) Expecting moms can also hold the iPad in front of their tummies to view a typical, life-sized representation of the baby. Common comparisons include a baby that is the size of an acorn, pear and other "well-known fruits and vegetables," said Pampers North American marketing director Patrick Kraus.
Mobile baby apps like's Baby 411, for the iPhone, already exist, but Hello Baby, so far, is the only one developed exclusively for the iPad, he said. The app takes advantage of the portable device's high-resolution, multitouch screen to bring the prenatal development process to life.
P&G, which spent $53 million advertising Pampers last year, sans online, per Nielsen, said Hello Baby's investment is small, but it's looking to take findings from this "experiment" and leverage it online, Kraus said.
Making glucose testing child’s play
Diabetes meters are generally functional rather than fun. This works fine for adult diabetics, but doesn’t make the testing process very engaging for children. By transforming a potentially harrowing experience into a fun one, Bayer eases a potential source of family tension. Partnering with an existing handheld gaming console makes it even easier to slot into people’s lives. It’s a winner for kids, parents and Bayer.
Parents of children with diabetes face a constant struggle to instil the habit of regular blood glucose testing that is critical for managing the disease. Monitoring diabetes requires a pin prick single drop of blood, which can cause a gallon of distress amongst children. Blood glucose monitors had traditionally been created with adults in mind, but pharmaceutical and health care company Bayer sought to address this with the launch of Didget – the first and only blood glucose meter for kids, which connects directly to Nintentdo DS and DS Lite gaming systems. |
10.7.09 dimensional QR codes is one of Germany’s largest online toy stores. It wanted to promote Lego, one of the company’s leading products and drive people online to the Lego section of the website. created an interactive outdoor campaign that incorporated the playful elements of Lego. The campaign created three dimensional QR Codes using real Lego bricks. Passers by could take a picture of the QR code with their mobile phone which would be decoded into a message revealing a suggested imaginative constructions that could be built with the Lego bricks that made up the code. There was also a link to the site with an option to buy the corresponding brick set.
Some 49% of all online visitors to the Lego section of MyToys were achieved through the campaign, with the Lego brick boxes outselling the non-advertisers Lego by 100%.
Agency:Lukas Lindemann Rosinski
Key take away facts
- Brand loyalty begins as early as age 2. The average 3-year-old recognizes 100 different brand logos.
- Toddlers cannot distinguish a commercial from a television show.
- It isn’t until age 8 that kids begin to realise advertising can be misleading.
- In 2000, $2 billion was spent on advertising to children in America. Today, that figure has increased to $15 billion.
- In a study of more than 1,000 U.S. families, researchers found that 40 percent of 3-month-olds and 90 percent of kids aged 2 years old and younger regularly watch television, DVDs or videos.
- In 2008 Coca-Cola and PepsiCo announced plans to stop -targeting under-12s in response to rising worries over child obesity.
Children have long been a desirable target for advertisers – reaching them at an early age helps build brand loyalty that will last for life. From the age of around three, children can identify brand logos, and basic forms of brand loyalty can start as early as two.
Kids' spending ability doesn’t stop at pocket money – advertisers can benefit from the influence of pester power, where children can actively have an effect on their parents' purchase decisions. Traditionally, campaigns that aim to harness pester power have been limited to those for purchases including breakfast cereal, drinks and toys, but smart marketers can expand their horizons to bigger purchases.
With the rise of tweens with more influence and more disposable income, kids are getting older younger. No longer content with dolls and teddy bears, children under 12 are choosing video games, MP3 players and mobile phones. This type of sophistication means that marketers must use more sophisticated techniques to communicate with them.
Captivating kids and targeting tweens
Don’t underestimate the sophistication of children’s taste
Parc Asterix (FREE)
Parc Asterix entices new visitors through a branded content strategy that attracts children to engage with the characters from the park.
Parc Asterix, the number-two theme park in France, aimed to engage parents and children with a TV campaign that could compete with market leader Disneyland Paris, but without Disney’s marketing budget.
Parc Asterix felt that the perfect children’s programme did not exist on French television so it decided to create one. The highest-rated show among kids was Intervilles, an adult programme that matches towns against each other in a series of games and sporting events.
In partnership with TV channel Gulli, Parc Asterix created Intervilles Junior, a new, prime-time programme that followed the format of Intervilles, this time with children and parents competing at Parc Asterix. The park got the kind of exposure no ad spot could provide and the fit with Parc Asterix’s brand positioning – The Gallic Mood – could be tailored to perfection.
The campaign received massive press coverage and the programme achieved 425,176 viewers. Some 374,208 of them were children aged 4-14. Channel Gulli is now the No 1 television channel for kids. The show has since been aired on other TV channels in France and beyond.
Parc Asterix
Parc Asterix Groupe Compagnie des Alpes
Apr 2007 - Jun 2007
Think laterally to evade restrictions
Cheetos makes a cartoon cheetah the focus of a campaign and overcomes a big barrier to advertising on children's television channels.
Create long term engagement with appealing cartoon characters
Kajeet kids' cell-phone service targeted tweens through interactive animated webisodes starring cartoon characters who used kajeet phones.
Arrange family-friendly events
Happy Feet
Movie Happy Feet reignited the hype for the DVD following a successful cinema launch with family tap-dancing events near major retailers.
Pester power = purchase power
Make traditionally boring purchases child friendly
Pedrigree (Free)
A smart insight about pet ownership get kids to engage with a dog food brand.
Use children carefully to influence large family purchases
Renault increases brand consideration for its new Scénic model by engaging children in a design competition.
Tackle any parental worries about your brand
McDonald's raises awareness about some of the healthier options for kids on the menu and challenges parents' perceptions about the brand.
Use children’s marketing techniques to explain very adult issues
Windows Home Server
Microsoft creates a children's book to promote the concept of the home server.
Capri Sun:::the digital strategies of,
Capri Sun: refreshing a refreshment brand
"It's what you can do with an idea that's different," Lazarus said. Yet another original idea centered around much the same challenge of breathing new life into a tired product. Capri Sun is a beverage with very different packaging - not a bottle, not a jar, but a 200 ml. foil/plastic pouch. The tropical-themed refreshment was popular in the '80s, Lazarus explained, but "had not done much since then."
It's original consumers had long since moved onto coffee, and there was a target audience of six-to-11-year-old children who were being underserved - a "buzzworthy and respectable group," Lazarus called them.
To start kids talking - and, more specifically, spreading the word about Capri Sun - Ogilvy created a series of 30-second spots with identical set-ups but different ends. "They were sort of irreverent commercials that showed what happened when children didn't respect the pouch. They had an element of suspense. And they invited parody. "Six-to-11-year-old boys love playing games," Lazarus reported. And, because Web 2.0 is as familiar to this demographic as tap water, they fulfilled their viral promise with a series of imitative spots:
The agency, in kind, returned the fire with video games and a "Rayman Raving Rabbids" Wii game planned for launch in time for the Christmas 2008 season.
Lazarus' bottom line to the campaign was the same she used to describe the Obama effort: "If you think it, you can do it."
"It's what you can do with an idea that's different," Lazarus said. Yet another original idea centered around much the same challenge of breathing new life into a tired product. Capri Sun is a beverage with very different packaging - not a bottle, not a jar, but a 200 ml. foil/plastic pouch. The tropical-themed refreshment was popular in the '80s, Lazarus explained, but "had not done much since then."
It's original consumers had long since moved onto coffee, and there was a target audience of six-to-11-year-old children who were being underserved - a "buzzworthy and respectable group," Lazarus called them.

The agency, in kind, returned the fire with video games and a "Rayman Raving Rabbids" Wii game planned for launch in time for the Christmas 2008 season.
Lazarus' bottom line to the campaign was the same she used to describe the Obama effort: "If you think it, you can do it."
7 Skills for a Post-Pandemic Marketer
The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...
Stretching 60 metres across and featuring blue halo lighting, sculptured front-lit lettering 2.5 metres tall and a variety of 2D cut-out cha...
Creating online content is easy. However, creating actionable online content without using the right tools can be quite challenging. The g...