
Sapporo | Legendary Biru

Agency: Dentsu Canada
Creative Directors: Glen Hunt, Les Soos & Gary Thomas (Crush)
Art Directors: Les Soos, David Glen & Yoho Hang Yue (Crush)
Copywriters: Glen Hunt & Dhaval Bhatt
Agency Producer: Sharon Kosokowsky
Strategic Planner: Jeff McCrory
Direction: Mark Zibert, Sons & Daughters and Gary Thomas & Crush
Live Action Production Company: Sons & Daughters
Executive Producer: Dan Ford
Director of Photography: Kevin Chan
Producer: Jeff Darragh
Post Production: Crush
Post Visual Effects: Crush & Loki Visual Effects
Executive Producer: Jo-ann Cook
Producer: Stephanie Pennington
Lead VFX Artist: Sean Cochrane
VFX Artists: David Whiteson, Naveen Srivastava, Kaelem Cahil & Greg Dunlop
Junior VFX Artist: Andre Arevalo & Patrick Moore
Rotoscope: Gavinesh Patel & Kyle Steffler
Animation/CG Supervisor: Aylwin Fernando
Senior Animator: Chris Minos
CG Artists: Josh Clifton & Mark Irish
CG Production Manager: Raphael Quirino
Matte Painters: Yanick Dusseault, Bojan Zoric & Jorgen Lauritzen
VFX Supervisor: Gene Dreitser
VFX Producer: France Daigle
Technical Director: Ryan McDonald
Animator: Fred Wilmot
Modeller: Erin Nicholson
Texture Artist: Paul DeOliveira
Transfer House: Notch
Colourist: Gary Chuntz
Music: Grayson Matthews
Producer: Dave Sorbara
Composer: Grayson Matthews
Engineer: Annelise Noronha

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The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...