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Microsoft Soft Launch New Home Page+MSN Rebranding
Microsoft Soft Launch New
It has been reported that is rolling uot a new version over time. You can preview the new version at
Microsoft opens retail outlet
Massive LCD screens line the walls, displaying scenic panoramas (including of the local Arizona landscape) as well as Microsoft products. Below these screens PCs set up with Zunes, Xbox consoles and headphones are available for visitors to try out, and a “gaming zone” offers giant screens on which customers can play popular games including Rock Band and Halo.
“Our customers have told us they want choice, better value and great service when shopping for technology, and that is what we will deliver through our Microsoft stores,” says David Porter, corporate vice president of Microsoft Retail, in a statement. “We want to showcase what’s possible with the full Microsoft brand.”
The opening came in time for the company’s new Windows 7 operating system and these are prominently displayed along with the PCs, Xbox consoles and range of other software and hardware that flank both sides of the store.
But much of the clean, simple look of the new store bears a striking resemblance to Microsoft rival Apple.
“Launching a Microsoft retail store, these guys are playing catch-up to whatever Apple does,” said Rob Frankel, branding expert and author of the book “The Revenge of Brand X.” He points to the design as looking different, but really just a variation on the Apple store’s sleek and simple design. “Microsoft has no brand. They have an identity and they have very high awareness, but try asking two people why they insist on Microsoft and you’ll rarely get the same answer.”
Microsoft is emphasizing the personalization that the new stores will offer, with consumers able to customize their hardware with external “skins” and create an original ring tone for their Windows mobile phone. When a customer purchases a computer, they will have a 15-minute session with one of the employees to get set up their applications, passwords and personal preferences. The store includes a Microsoft Answers Suite, where technical advisors offer assistance to patrons with tech issues.
Testa believes that in opening stores when it has, Microsoft followed the company pattern of waiting until something was “tried and true” before jumping in. Nonetheless, he believes that entering the retail arena will be a good thing for Microsoft, and that it is better late than never.
“I don’t think they see it as a big profit driver. I think they see it as a brand-building experience and marketing experience more than anything. This will be a grain of sand on the whole beach of Microsoft’s revenues and operations,” said Testa. “But from a branding perspective it makes a lot of sense. The timing’s good, they get some press for the stores, Windows 7 is coming out and the holiday season is coming up. It makes sense.”
Microsoft Windows 7 | My Idea

Microsoft apologizes for race-swap photo incident
Microsoft apologized Tuesday for using photo editing techniques to change the race of a person depicted on the company's Web site.
In a photo on the company's U.S. Web site, three businesspeople--one black, one white and one Asian are shown as part of a pitch for Microsoft's business productivity software. In the same photo on the site of Microsoft's Polish subsidiary, a white head is placed over the black person's body, although the hand is not changed.
The move sparked controversy after it was noticed, quickly making the rounds on Twitter and various Web sites.
"We are looking into the details of this situation," a Microsoft representative told CNET News. "We apologize and are in the process of pulling down the image" from the Polish site. Microsoft also apologized on its corporateTwitter feed.
Office 2010: The Movie
Client: Microsoft
Agency: Traffik
Director: Dennis Liu
Producers: Jonathan Hsu, Matt Anderson
Production Designer: Nicole Teeny
Script: Dennis Liu, Jt Arbogast, Gary Roosa
Art Director: Kevin Su
DP: Doug Emmett/Dennis Liu
Editor: Dennis Liu
Sound Design: Dennis Liu
Music: Groove Addict
VFX Company: LOICA
Cast: J.T. Arbogast, John Di Domenico, Magda Bendek, Jeff Lepine, Elisabeth Hower, Tasha Perri
Microsoft:::Agent IT attack

Agent attack IT takes the format of a secret agent game, where the player has to sort out IT problems without blowing their cover. Once players have successfully completed the first stage they are allowed to compete against each other. A high-score table was designed to encourage repeat plays.
The results were positive. 21,000 users registered in the first 6 weeks. Overall there was a 71% reach. 2 user-groups on Facebook and SchulerVZ were set up and various requests for school accounts came afterwards. Each player learnt everything they would have done in a conventional IT module, but in a fun, interactive way.
CATEGORY:Electronic Goods
DATE:Feb 2009 - Mar 2009
AGENCY:Universal McCann
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