
advertiser-in-arabia portfolio (Siwak.F) 2007

Brand: Siwak.F Toothpaste
Category: Pharmaceuticals/ Healthcare,
Date: 2008

To develop a packaging facelift for the Siwak toothpaste brand to upgrade and modernize its image and appeal
•Siwak F is an Indonesian made toothpaste brand that has been present in Saudi Arabia's oral care market for the past 12 years. 
•It's key difference from other toothpaste brands is simple: it is the only brand containing the extracts of the Arak tree bark, which was traditionally used by Arabs in the region as a toothbrush… 
•Over and above the cultural/religious significance of being associated with the Siwak, the case for the brand Siwak F was made after the World Health Oragnization  recommended the use of the siwak (or miswaak as it is also called)  in 1986, and after recent research by Dr Otaybi from Saudi unlocked new areas on the systemic effects of the Miswaak; revealing its positive effects on the immunity system.  
•Overall, past performance of the brand has not been very impressive… It failed to reach out to a consumer base beyond the conservative older segment of the population, and in terms of quality perception did not succeed in attaining a high score: a major set back for a dental care product


•To put Siwak.F in the consideration set of toothpaste shoppers beyond the traditionalists and older conservatives 
•To lure in undecided buyers who skim the shelves thru status modern and stylish 
•To smoothly incorporate the offering . 
•Offering products in thru- and value-attractive, professional  packaging 
•To induce purchase, trial and drive an expansion in shares by appealing to consumer segments that have not historically considered the brand
Consumer insights
•Siwak F Brand is: –A brand I'm not too sure about… looks cheap, and does not reassure me on the quality side either… I've never seen them do any advertising and I've hardly seen them around in any house I've visited… don't know, but if I had to choose between them and between Signal, I would pick up the brand I've known to do the job for years now immediately without hesitation –It miswak’s your system while it cleans your teeth Siwak.F is safe and clinically proved 
•Siwak F Brand wants to be: –Hmm… This is interesting… Well they've taken their package a long way… is this actually the same Siwak Brand that I used to see on the shelf and never give a second look? May be it is a quality (?) toothpaste… may be they do have something to add to the age old tradition of siwak, may be it is effective and clinically proven… it certainly gives that impression of a modern twist on traditional oral care 

Target Group
•Younger mothers and fathers… the heads of the new smaller, better exposed and less traditional Saudi family unit are less nostalgic about culture and heritage and much, much more brand savvy than past generations… 
•They are notorious for toothpaste brand promiscuity… they switch between brands very often, but keep the list of toothpaste options limited to a know and recognized multinational few… Close Up for the eccentric flavours, Signal when they feel a bit clinical, Colgate or Crest when they want to count the benefits they get out of brushing…
•Getting the kids to brush their teeth is a daily battle for mom, who has to chase them to do it every night before they head or bed, and uses every trick in the book to do it… most relevant here is how she is always seeking new, colourful flavour options to get them interested and keep them interested in the brushing…
•A brand like Siwak F is something these people would have seen in their parents' house when visiting… and it would be something they look at with a condescending smirk… it doesn't meet their quality expectations… it looks cheap and very unprofessional

•Successful merge of ingredients ( Siwak + Fluoride) position it as all in one brand for your  mouth hygiene 
•Reduces Plaque gathering on the teeth 
•Eliminates Tartar 
•Prevents Gum infection 
•And most importantly, Modern packaging that looks authentic, professional and trustworthy

Call to action
•Revitalizing the brand with a more modern, more authoritative image and the packaging will be the starting point 
•Feel the confidence that comes from a more professional looking brand of toothpaste  
•Try out Siwak F other and try out their different varieties

Strategic solution

"The Siwak Has Been Completely Redefined"

Creative solution

Upgrade &modernize ( image & appeal ):
 Key Elements 
- typography
- graphic device
- color
- strap line

The unique presence of both Siwak and Fluoride together gives double strength and better performance.

A Unique Research Defining "Generation Z"

The Next Generation forum,  gave fresh insight to advertisers and marketers about the characteristics, values and media and brand consumption habits of Australian youth in the 13 and 24 year-old demographic, it's also shares a comprehensive online research on thousands of teens in Australia and around the world demonstrates there is a sub generation of youths with markedly different characteristics and value systems to that of their Gen Y predecessors.

Generation Z research

Habbo's Global brands survey


Mitsubishi :::Download an actual car

DESCRIPTION: Online scavenger hunt
BRAND: Mitsubishi 
BRAND OWNER: Mistubishi 
CATEGORY :Automotive 
REGION :Spain 
DATE :May 2009 - Dec 2008 
To promote its new small car Colt model amongst a young tech-savvy audience and to coincide with the Barcelona Motor Show, Mitsubishi wanted to create a suitably high-tech online experience.
Mitsubishi’s solution is a type of internet scavenger hunt. Users must find and download 30 parts of a car scattered around various sites in order to win a free car. 

Visitors to “BajateunColtgratis.com” (downloadafreecolt.com) find an image of the 30 parts that have been distributed around the internet in banners on main portals (such as Spanish newspaper El Pais) as well as various peer to peer sites (including eMule, eDonkey and BitTorrent). Participants must register on the site and search for and download the various parts. 

As a registered user, you only need to click on the banner with the car part and it automatically downloads to your account. Users who find more than one of the same part can swap them with other players in the exchange room created by Mitsubishi. They can also share information about how to find the parts in a forum. 
A widget provides live information of what is going on in the game as well as hints and tips

The site also features a promotional video of an actual Colt being disassembled by mechanics before the parts are distributed on the web. 
The game will continue to run for another week so late joiners will need to make up for lost time. The first person to collect all 30 pieces of car will win a Colt

Yellow Pages Testimonial TVC::: the right way to do Testimonial ads

Yellow Pages has launched Testimonial - a new campaign created by Clemenger BBDO Melbourne featuring real business owners who have benefited from advertising in the directory.

The TVC builds on the brand’s strategy of justifying to its advertisers that their investment in being in the directory is money well spent.

The ad features 23 real business owners from all over Australia, who advertise with Yellow Pages. No paid talent was used . They describe in their own words how they have benefited from it. They paint numbers on a large yellow canvass which relate to the results they have achieved.

Nando’s:::the most complaiend about advertisement of the year.

"due to element of sexuality and objectification of women"

Google Chrome::: 11 TVC'sYouTube

Google Creative Lab has released Chrome Shorts, a series of short films promoting Chrome, Google’s web browser. The eleven films are online at the Google Chrome YouTube channel
The Chrome Shorts Trailer

Each of the eleven films have been spliced together for an invitation to visit the Shorts site.


Chicken or Egg? A simple query takes our hero on a wild rollercoaster ride through the Internet, where chicken links to feather, feather to pillow, pillow to tooth fairy, and so on. Fasten your seatbelts. By Superfad.

What Makes A Good Browser?

What makes a good browser? And, what the the heck is a browser to begin with? This video explores these fundamental questions and provides some warm and fuzzy answers. By Christoph Niemann. Music by Kim Wetmore.

The Evolution of Simple

Pantograph used stop motion to demonstrate a simple video game, with references to Blockbreaker, mirroring the simplicity of Google Chrome’s clean user interface.

Collaborate with Whole Wide World

When everyone puts their heads together, great things happen. This film explores how the internet makes it easy to collaborate with anyone, anytime. By The Collaborative Works of Jeff & Paul.

9 - 5 8.5 x 11

From 9-5 in 60 seconds… one person’s day of online surfing captured on a 102″ x 66″ paper screen. By Default Office.

Dr Squirrel’s Lab

Dr. Squirrel and his acorn helpers are hard at work at Google Labs. Hilarity ensues. By GoRobot!

Google Chrome

Google teamed with Motion Theory to craft the first video for Chrome’s arrival. Directors Mark Kudsi and John Fan created a lively 2 1/2D animated spot celebrating Chrome’s revolutionary features with music by Tim Meyers.

Chrome was developed at Motion Theory, Los Angeles, by director Mark Kudsi, executive producer Javier Jiminez, art director John Fan, VFX supervisor Bryan Godwin, producer Matt Winkel, editor Doron Dor and Colin Woods, editorial coordinator Eddie Boles, post production assistants Allyssa Allain and Rebecca Lindberg, designers Joseph Chan, Leanne Dare, Jenny Ko, Mark Kulakoff, Angela Zhu, animation/2D composition artists Evan Parsons, Wilson Wu, 3D artists Ben Grangereau, Na Song, John Tumlin, Bekah Baik, Danny Koenig, Katie Yoon.

Features List

On the internet you can do things. To do those things you need tools that do things. But how do those things help you do things? By Open.

Caged Rage 3: Binary Budokan

One man tackles his (sky-high) pile of tasks with uninhibited fury. And the help of a powerful and mysterious new web tool. By Lifelong Friendship Society.

Defenders in Tights

The Internet is full of nooks and crannies hiding all kinds of technological mischief. Who do you have defending you? And what color are their tights? By Steve Mottershead


The internet can be whatever you want. Its also a place where you can be whomever you want. This film explores those ideas through the simple device of two friends and a door. By Hunter Gatherer

Pearle:::Steamy room

CATEGORY:Pharmaceuticals/ Healthcare 
DATE:May 2009 - Dec 2008 

Contact lenses are often seen as the more aesthetically pleasing alternative to glasses, but they are not always seen as being more practical. 

Optician brand Pearle was keen to emphasise the benefits of wearing contact lenses to those who are attached to their spectacles and encourage trial of their daily and monthly lenses.

Pearle created a web-based game at thesteamyroom.be which illustrated the merits of wearing contact lenses. But rather than looking at the comfort of wearing contacts, Pearle took a more humorous angle. Players get to select whether they want to check out semi-clad men or semi-clad women and then enter the respective changing room with a first-person viewpoint through a pair of rimmed glasses. As soon as you enter the room and start to see tantalising glimpses of flesh, the glasses begin to fog up and they require frantic polishing with the mouse curser to clear the view. The message reads: “there are moments when it’s better to wear contacts”. The site has a viral element encouraging users to share the game and also offers free trials of the contact lenses.


advertiser-in-arabia portfolio[ Bupa Arabia ]

Category: Personal and corporate financial planning 
Disciplines: Health Insurance 
Brand:Bupa Arabia

Category dynamics
•The biggest market in the middle east and with it comes many interesting opportunities and threats. Saudi Arabia is a very staunch muslim society ad up till very recently the market has not had any laws regarding insurance. In fact insurance is forbidden by the Quran in some peoples view

•Objectives: Being Fit and Well for Life, the campaign devised to serve a single objective; corporate brand awareness via wellness approach.
•Devices : –Press –Digital –BTL –Activation
•Strategic communication platform :  “You are the guardian of their wellbeing”
•Objectives: to take a step a head before it becomes mandatory for all business to cover there staff member with unified health insurance plan 
•Devices : –Direct Mailer –Press –Digital –BTL –ICP –Loyalty program
•Strategic communication platform: Bupa empower you for leadership , control & growth.. Bupa  is there for you to see you leading with sharp predictability
•Objectives: diversify brand offering to engage with individuals group 
•Devices : –Press –Digital –BTL –ICP –Loyalty program
•Strategic communication platform: Helping you take care of them
•Objectives: to offersBpa shares for the first time to the market, at a precise subscription price. The offer is addressed institutional investors (such as banks or investments funds) and to “general public”.
•Devices : –PR –Press –ICP (shareholder letter, hush hush poster) –Event management
•Strategic communication platform: Competence-Based Communication (CBC) To position Bupa Arabia as a brand of good quality and  above all a partner, a reliable competence provider…that is a supplier of solutions… a firm that has the capability to align its offer to the specific needs of the customer, … that has the skills to be a valid reference for the customer’s problems. In a nutshell, “Differentiation” 

advertiser-in-arabia portfolio[ Carrefour ]

Packaging . Innovation

Behold, the pizza box we've all been waiting for! Watch the film for a simple demonstration of how a few smart-thinking tweaks to an established design can radically improve customer experience.

The company behind the Green Box is called Environmentally Conscious Organization Incorporated, and their ingenious idea sees the traditional pizza delivery box transform into into four handy serving 'plates' AND a half-sized storage solution for any remaining slices... Made out of 100% recycled material, the box is protected by US Patent 7,051,919 which we firmly hope will allow e.c.o. Incorporated to cash-in on their innovation.

Give the hairy few weeks the Domino's brand has just endured, if you worked there wouldn't you be all over this?A good news story that could leave the public with a better impression of the brand than simply 'cheese up the nose'...


Gap / Havaianas :::Pop-up flip-flops

Gap is clearly trying to reach out to niche groups of consumers with this rolling campaign of targeted marketing activity. Fundamentally that's a sound approach; Gap is one of those brands that sells on its adaptability and wide-ranging appeal. What bothers us is the lack of a theme that binds all of the disparate activity together. Where Absolut has established a clear connection between all the various aspects of its amazing 'In an Absolut world...' campaign, Gap seems to have skipped that part entirely. Consequently, their various initiatives end up feeling more like an identity crisis than a coherent brand strategy.

Gap is hosting a pop-up flip-flop store in their New York Fifth Avenue store

Gap has collaborated with flip-flop icon Havaianas to create an 'Urban Beach Flip-Flop Shop' in the small space adjacent to their Fifth Ave store. 

Customers can choose from a range of flip-flops and over the weekends Gap is hosting an in-store craft bar where pins, initials and crystals will be available to customise the sandals.

This venture follows a string of pop-up events that Gap has hosted recently, the latest being a tiny dancers studio on the weekend where youngsters could dress up in Gap clothes and take free dance classes. Previously, instillations included; sale of
Rhode Island School of Design redesigned Gap cardigans; a collaboration with Colette Paris; a Pantone T-shirt shop; and Gap’s (Product)Red gift-shop from which sales proceeds went to fighting AIDS in Africa.


McDonald's:::Tourists are lovin’ it…

McDonald's Piccadilly Circus

BRAND OWNER:McDonald's Corporation



DATE:Apr 2009 - Dec 2008

Piccadilly Circus is London's equivalent of Times Square - right at the heart of the city and filled with brands digital billboards, each clamouring for attention. Some 1.1 million Londoners and tourists pass through each week. McDonald’s tends to have a presence there, but wanted to create a more interactive experience and encourage people to specifically photograph the brand’s ad and then share the photographs.
McDonald's therefore launched an interactive sign where passers-by can interact with images displayed on McDonald's giant LED screen, and visitors can take an interactive role at one of London's most photographed locations. 
A series of images ranging from hats to speech bubbles, to idea clouds are shown on the giant LED screen billboard. People in Piccadilly circus can then position themselves to make it look as though they are wearing a hat, saying something or having an idea. People are then encouraged to post up their photos to Flickr or Facebook

McDonald's has long been the friend of weary tourists whose enthusiasm for the local cuisine has been exhausted by one dietary novelty too many...
But now that relationship has gone one step further, with the launch of a new 'interactive' billboard in London's Piccadilly Circus. The giant LED sign displays a rolling selection of images which invite camera-happy tourists to strike a pose with the props on screen.

Some of these have a British theme - an open umbrella and a city gent's bowler hat - while others are just about inviting participation - a birthday cake with candles you can pretend to blow out, a hammer that seems to beat you over the head, a strongman barbell you can hold triumphantly aloft.

The YouTube clip above shows the idea in action and the magnetic appeal it has to tourists... how many go on to eat a McDonald's burger after painstakingly lining up their shot has not yet been established but we're SO tempted to send someone down there to follow that up!  Participants can also upload their snaps to a dedicated Flickr group, set up to corrall all those happy memories into one big experience-extending gallery and ensure that the event remains public long after the holidaymakers go back home.

Inventive stuff from Leo Burnett! 

7 Skills for a Post-Pandemic Marketer

The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...