
"Did the Old Spice campaign really work?"

Old Spice says it's ecstatic with the results, and most independent analysis appears to back them up. Until now, Old Spice agency Wieden + Kennedy has generally stayed out of the effectiveness debate. But now the shop has released a video case history of the campaign, shown below, explaining how it sought to reach women and men simultaneously. 

It's mostly a sizzle reel of the spots, their many imitations and the campaign's impact in pop culture. W+K marshals an array of data points to buttress the it's-a-success side. The agency's video doesn't provide source citations for the facts, so I guess we'll put them in the "assertions" bucket. With that caveat, here are some of the key stats highlighted by the agency:

• Old Spice accounted for 75 percent of conversations in the category in the first three months of 2010.
• Half the conversations came from women.
• The YouTube/Twitter social media response campaign was "the fastest-growing and most popular interactive campaign in history."
• More people watched its videos in 24 hours than those who watched Obama's presidential victory speech. (Which most of us can agree is kinda sad.)
• Total video views reached 40 million in a week.
• Campaign impressions: 1.4 billion.
• Since the campaign launched, Old Spice Bodywash sales are up 27 percent; in the last three months up. 55 percent; and in the last month up 107 percent.


Celcom Broadband| Selling connectivity

Selling connectivity was seen as an easy task as i over and over again discussed with some creative heads... think again the shit advertised by STC, DU, Mobily is not creative. Wake up and please stop using ready made victor icons of social media.

Celcom Broadband connects users to the Internet wherever they are and whenever they want with ease. The use of paper projected from the dongle portrays an endless world of fun and limitless imagination, sending the message of the products ability to deliver the fastest speed, widest coverage and the most entertaining contents anytime, anywhere.


Celcom Broadband: Content

Plug in. Watch away.


Celcom Broadband: Coverage

Plug in. Far out.


Celcom Broadband: Speed

Plug in. Blast off.

Advertising Agency: M&C Saatchi, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Creative Directors: Henry Yap, Jeff Ooi
Art Director: James Seet
Copywriter: Casey Loh
Illustrators: James Seet, Pui Fun Tham, Violet Tan
Photographer: PASHE Studio
Published: 2009


Prajwala|A prostitute only becomes one when you hire her.

You don't need a network ad agency to tell a straight forward messages. Small shops for some reason are doing better.

This ad campaign done for a NGO called Prajwala, which deals with human-trafficking/prostitution. They spread awareness and also provide care for rescued girls. We had kept the copy in a clean font and background, but the client wanted it to be more visually appealing. They were put up in railway stations/truck stops/taxi stops.

Advertising Agency: Bushtail, Bangalore, India
Creative Director: Jeevan Sebastian
Art Director: Deepak P.
Copywriter: Shikha Gupta
Published: May 2010

Prajwala: Job benefits
Job benefits include STDs, cancer, trauma, humiliation, and multiple abortions. Please apply in person.
A prostitute only becomes one when you hire her.

Prajwala: Age
Women candidates between the age of 6 to 57 can apply in person.
A prostitute only becomes one when you hire her.

Prajwala: Abused
Candidates willing to be abused, raped and locked up, may apply in person.
A prostitute only becomes one when you hire her. 

Why you should not pay me 15% media commission !?!?

[MBU] listen before its too late

  • Media planning & buying rising cost. MBU are media incentive driven not brand objectives.
  • MBU's  recommend expenditure in a medium that would best benefit them by ignoring emerging new media. Stands very true when you see the portion of innovative media or special operation in any media plan.
  • To reduce costs on all fronts, cut the additional layer. Buy media directly and have the balls to commit to 12 months investment and get your AVR (4-8%).
  • Use ATL and focus on initiating a dialogue with your users . Something MBU's don’t believe in, they think hammering MASS audience will get brands somewhere... it does not.
  • Lack of ‘value add’ in planning.. get your own media audit and analysis software’s/ links.
  • To me most important is return on investment on each $ spent and why I don’t get an army of journalists as my brand advocators as long I am paying their salaries with my ads.


Satisfied Users



D.Vice is an online adult store.

Advertising Agency: BBDO, Auckland, New Zealand
Art Director: Lisa Fedyszyn
Copywriter: Jonathan McMahon
Photographer: Stephen Langdon


Extra Strong Copycat


The ugly copy

Advertising Agency: JWT Mumbai, India
Creative Directors: Tista Sen, Nandita Chalam
Art Director: Monica Parag Patil
Copywriter: Monica Parag Patil
Illustrators: Umesh Wadaye, Dipak Jadhav
Photographer:Avadhut Hembade


AXE|Transpirador Precoz

There are men out there who suffer from.. premature sweatulation......?


July 16 press conference held at Apple’s campus in Cupertino, California.

Dear PR “wannabe” ,

Watch and weep.. if you think what you are doing is PR  you are mistaken… you are doing something has nothing to do with PR .
Steve Jobs presentation will wipe out every thing you know about crises management and Brand marketing communications..


Makes you love biking again

"A true holistic approach for both strategy build up and designe process."

Americans are riding bikes more than ever, yet cycling is still held up as some sort of cultish hobby relegated to aggro dudes with messenger bags who live and die by their fixed gears. 

So maybe it’s time for a new image, yeah? Colle+McVoy, a Minneapolis ad agency, has partnered with the coalition Bikes Belong to design People for Bikes, an ingenious bike branding campaign that presents a refreshingly sunny view of life on two wheels. The effort includes a Web site, posters, TV spots, products, and a push from the cycling king himself, Lance Armstrong, all in the name of growing a national front for promoting bike-friendly policies. “Each piece is meant to inspire people from all backgrounds and levels of ability to bike and join the movement to make biking easier and better,” a Colle+McVoy spokeswoman tells us in an email. Put another way: It’s advocacy gussied up as lifestyle branding. And it’s pretty damn clever. The heart of the campaign is this cheery graphic, one of the best logos we’ve seen in a long time. (And at last, a smiley face we don’t associate with Walmart.)

Here’s the Web site, also well-designed, with a simple interface, and lots of round buttons and type (round like wheels, get it?). Its primary goal is to get a million people to sign a petition “for bikes."


The campaign is clever because it lifts riding from the fringes of greasy-haired Mission Street cool kids and sets it down in mainstream America, where, if bike advocates are going to have more sway, it has to be. For bike dorks who lament the encroaching conformity, fear not. You can always slap that smiley logo onto a messenger bag.


A brand asking you to disconnect... a little |Fiat 500




Apple Evolution

We Are Apple (Leading The Way)

Middle Seat

The Power to Succeed


Newton - Restaurant

The Personal Computer

Kevin Costner

20th Anniversary Mac




This made me want coffee!!! Al Pacino endorses VIttoria Coffee

Gutsy TV spot| marketing for woman!

Check out these two videos for Quattro for Women, with the bikini area trimmer. The first one is pretty much how you'd think they would introduce the new product. I

t's about 90 seconds long so I am guessing they trimmed it down for a TV spot are using the longer form on their website. The second....well, it's not what I would have expected.

One is incredibly safe...the other, not so much. But, which one do you think will actually sell more razors?

'Mow the Lawn' 
Created by JWT New York to build awareness and drive trial for the new Wilkinson Sword Quattro for Women Bikini

Gillette Survey: How Do You Like It Shaved?

Axe girls cleaning the balls

Extreme. Entertaining. Roguishly symbolic, and its Axe.

7 Skills for a Post-Pandemic Marketer

The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...