
Audi modernizes four-ring logo + Typographic Relaunch

Audi, which has been associated with the four interlocking rings since the formation of the original Auto Union in 1932, and synonymous with the logo since the revival of the brand in 1965, has given its long-running logo a minor update for the 21st century.

While the rings already look fairly modern with their three-dimensional texture and shadowing, Audi decided to shine them up a bit. The result is a finish that looks like polished chrome and is nearly as authentic as seeing the real thing emblazoned across the hood of a 'Bahn-stormer.'

Further embracing a more modern, simple style is the Audi name itself, which has moved down away from the rings and to the left of center. More importantly, it has shrunk and has abandoned its exaggerated, unconventional font (seen in the old logo pictured to the left) in favor of a plainer sans-serif font.

The end result is a very chic, modern take on an ageless design. Expect to see it quietly make its way onto Audi's website, signage, documents, and more worldwide as the brand continues to refresh itself during its centennial celebration

Audi’s Typographic Stylings

Audi Logo, Before and After


Audi Type replaces Audi Sans, a modified version of Univers Extended a Roman and Extended type family commissioned by MetaDesign from Paul van der Laan and Pieter van Rosmalen. Along with being part of the new logo,


Corporate typeface comparison, Audi Sans (above) and Audi Type. Image source.

The new type family can be seen in full action in the 2008 Annual Report, available as a PDF. The result is a strikingly modern and contemporary look that blends quite well with the Audi cars, slick and sophisticated. For a few more images and background, please visit FontFeed.


2008 Annual Report cover in red. Two other versions, green and gray, are also available.




2008 Annual Report sample spreads.

The new 2010 Audi A4 Allroad at the Geneva Motor Show 2009, with the new typog raphy.
If you look closely at some recent print ads from
Audi you may discover a subtle typographic restyling. The automotive constructor stopped using the modifiedUnivers Extended called Audi Sans intro duced 12 years ago by MetaDesign, and switched to AudiType. MetaDesign – which is respon sible for this facelift as well – commis sioned Paul van der Laan (Type Invaders) and Pieter van Rosmalen (Caketype) to design the new corporate face for Audi. Both Paul and Pieter studied type design at the KABK (Royal Academy of Arts) in The Hague, The Nether lands.

The previous corporate typeface Audi Sans (a modified Univers Extended, top) and the new Audi Type by Paul van der Laan & Pieter van Rosmalen (bottom)
Print ad for Audi Quattro, Switzerland
Neither Audi nor their
CI agency have released an official statement about the typographic relaunch yet. Without knowing their exact motivation I think I perceive the politics of baby steps. The foundation, or may we call it the “chassis”, is preserved – character width, grey value, metrics – while the bodywork was refined. And this is very elegant, away from the static towards the dynamic, the high-​quality.
: : E D I T : :
Some extra clari fi cation about the new typeface. We have been told that Audi Type was built completely from the ground up. Although its character has indeed been preserved up to a certain point, the character widths and spacing in the new typeface are actually quite different. Normal and Bold are somewhat of a darker colour, and ascenders and descenders are longer than in Univers to guarantee optimal legibility in the smaller point sizes.

One of three covers of the 2008 Annual Report

Detail of the table of contents, from the 2008 Annual Report. Audi Type currently exists in Normal, Bold, Extended Normal, and Extended Bold. Italics are under devel opment, and Greek and Cyrillic will be produced subsequently.

At Typo 2007 MetaDesign’s Carl-​Frank Westermann explained in great detail the strategy behind the Audi Sound Branding, specif i cally the acoustic endings of the commer cials. By applying minute inter fer ences in the overtones the MetaDe­signers lent a higher quality to the two seconds. This scenario seems to work perfectly well for typog raphy as well.

Paul van der Laan and Pieter van Rosmalen will launch their new venture Bold Monday in the near future. At Robothon Pieter handed me a set of very nice postcards with sneak previews of the typefaces. More details to follow, and sooner than you might expect.


It is not funny to text while driving

American Airlines:::Squirrels Mania

It started as an Internet photo post , which went viral, of a Minnesota couple with a squirrel..

Melissa and Jackson Brandts were on vacation at Banff National Park in Canada, snapping photos of themselves when a curious squirrel decided to hog the camera for himself. The photo was entered into a National Geographic contest and gained instant notoriety for the couple, who have since appeared on several national morning shows.

American Airlines is citing the photo as a reason to re-air the spot below, which first ran in the spring, featuring an annoying director making an ad about Parisian squirrels who ride bikes. And they're not just bringing the ad back. The airline has also sent out a goofy press release that says it's launching an "investigation" into the identity of the Banff squirrel.

Sensing that there could be a golden acorn in it, American will rerun its squirrel ad starting in September and sent out a news release that is probably the most humorous ever sent from Amon Carter Boulevard.

"There was no indication that he [the squirrel] was planning to use American Airlines as a springboard to launch a new phase in his career," said Dan Garton, executive vice president of marketing at American.

Since he popped up in Banff, maybe he's Canadian." Seems a bit much. In any case, American aren't the only ones trying to capitalize. Banff and Lake Louise Tourism has already set up squirrel accounts on Facebook and Twitter.

Apple VS blackberry

iPhone vs Blackberry

Blackberry vs iPhone

Sony Ericsson: Street tennis



Weirdvertising…3.0 bizarre adspaces

ChicagoNow.com launched by Zig, using stacked cars, chalk blogs and more

Here are the radio ads that go with this campaign.

Then there was the “chalk blog” in Chicago’s busy Pioneer Court using 40 eight-foot boards spread throughout the courtyard."We posed some of the provocative questions that spark debate on ChicagoNow blogs every day, such as “What would you do to improve the CTA?” and “What will the Olympics do for this city?” Crowds gathered, adding their points of view - because as everyone knows, it's not just the blogs that draws the readers, its the comments and ability to make one as well.

last but not least, the Chicago newspapers carried traditional print ads as well.

Credits for the ChicagNow.com campaign are as follows:

Agency:Zig Chicago
Creative Director: Stephen Leps
Art Director: Janay Blazejewski
Copywriters: Geoff Berg, Natalie Taylor
Strategic Planner: Ryan Wilson
Team Leader: Carlie Naftolin
Retoucher: Jeremy Thompson
Studio: Mazen Mansour, William Leung
Print Production: Jen Dark
Music Company: RMW
Music Director: Ted Rosnick
Sound Designer: Tyson Kuteyi

Hewlett-Packard with the new "You on You" campaign.

Hewlett-Packard with the new "You on You" campaign is inviting the public to make homemade versions of the "Personal Again" HP ads that feature celebrities (their faces hidden) talking about their digital lives. The effort, aimed at promoting the HP Artist Edition Notebook, is about halfway through its life span, and some of the submitted work has been pretty impressive.


Zain commercial ads - Ramadan 2009

Zain is a leading emerging markets player in the field of telecommunications aiming to become one of the top ten mobile operators in the world by 2011. Today it is the 4th largest mobile network in the world in terms of geographical footprint with commercial presence in 24 countries spread across the Middle East and Africa providing mobile voice and data services to over 64.7 million active customers as of May 2009.
Zain operates in the following countries: Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Chad, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Kenya, Kuwait, Malawi, Madagascar, Niger, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. In Lebanon, the company manages the network on behalf of the government operating as mtc-touch. In Morocco, Zain in a joint venture owns 31% of Wana Telecom. On May 18, 2009, Zain entered into an agreement with Palestinian operator Paltel to attain a 56.5% stake in the company serving 1.5 million mobile customers.
The company offers innovative services in its markets such as One Network, the world's first borderless mobile telecommunication network enabling customers to receive calls and sms without charge and to make them at local rates throughout many countries in Africa and the Middle East.
The Zain brand is wholly owned by Mobile Telecommunications Company KSC, which is listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange ( Stock ticker: ZAIN ). Zain is listed in the Financial Times' Global 500 Index which ranks the world's largest companies based on market capitalization (
http://www.ft.com/reports/ft5002008 ).For more, please visit www.zain.com

Zain Ramadan Ads revealed a religious tie up with Sheikh Moshari AlAfassi and song of Ramadan, in three languages Arabic, English and French to communicate virtue of the holy month.

Client: Zain Group
Production agency:
Post production agency:
Media : TV,?
Objective / communication challenge
Insight / communication strategy
Media strategy:

Branding dope

Since forever we've always wondered why dope never gets the marketing treatment. Sure your dealer might throw in a special price on your birthday, or a free toy once in a while as a daft off-beat promo. But why has the packaging never been upgraded from the usual plastic FNB bank bag to something more fitting? MAYBE THE TOBACKY isn’t so wacky after all. A number of 2009 polls have reflected a major shift in public attitudes about marijuana legalization—on average, more than 40 percent of Americans are now in favor, the highest number on record since the Just Say No 1980s. (A roughly equal number remain opposed.) In March, the normally conservative Economist magazine declared the war on doobies a “disaster,” calling legalization the “least bad option.” A month later, even Time magazine joined in, arguing, “The hypocrisy inherent in the American conversation about stimulants is staggering.” In New York State, the strict Rockefeller drug laws are up for review, and in California, where medical marijuana is fairly easy to obtain, Governor Schwarzenegger has asked that the state study other countries’ policies and debate economic and judicial reform. This new attention has converged from several angles: The capsized economy has provided a compelling financial argument for elected officials looking to find new taxable products, for one, and a judicial argument has arisen in light of violent Mexican gangs who profit from the U.S. market. And pot legalization—like gay marriage—has gained wider support now that there is evidence from other states and countries that have legalized and found that the world hasn’t, in fact, ended in a blaze of reefer madness. The statistics website FiveThirtyEight estimates that if public support continues to grow at its current pace, legalization could happen within 15 years. With this in mind, Print contacted four firms: Lust, a graphic design practice in Amsterdam established by Thomas Castro, Jeroen Barendse, and Dimitri Nieuwenhuizen; the New York office of Base, which worked with its branches in Europe; the Oslo firm Strømme Throndsen, winner of the 2009 Award for Design Excellence for its flour packaging; and The Heads of State, a two-man operation run by Jason Kernevich and Dustin Summers in Philadelphia.The brief was simple: What would a legal pack of marijuana cigarettes look like? Follow the links at left to see each studio's solution

Strømme Throndsen Design

The Heads of State



Building a Better Baggie by Strømme Throndsen Design


For the food and packaging section of the July issue of Print magazine, the editors invited 4 design agencies worldwide to mock up a design about what a pack of marijuana cigarettes could possibly look like if it were legalized.

Strømme Throndsen contributed with two different design concepts:

1) White Widow. An elegant box containing 16 cigarettes, and various designed cases to fit your personality.

2) G13. A simple/basic/plain package in plastic with zip-lock containing four cigarettes.

More images after the jump.



Johnnie Walker Red Label & Cola Special Editon


New work from Barker Gray:

"Johnnie Walker is the major sponsor for cricket in Australia. The Ashes tournament between England and Australia played every two years is the prize contest for either side to win. The Ashes is played over 5 tests and this year the teams are level as they go into the deciding test match, about to commence this coming Friday. Both nations will be on the edge of their seats.

Diageo briefed us to design a special edition can of JW Red label & cola for sale during the two months of the contests duration, which is taking place in England this year. The brief was to retain the inherent premium ness that the Johnnie Walker brand exudes, but in such a way that the design immediately connects to the idea of cricket.

The solution reinterpreted the can as the iconic cricket ball itself, which itself is red. The cricket ball idea ties in with the visual assets of Red Label Whisky by matching the appropriate brand colour-way and replacing the slanted label architecture with the recognisable seam of the cricket ball at a corresponding angle to the slanted label.

For lovers of cricket this idea is immediate and connects them to their favourite sport, as every time they hold the can they experience the thrill of the game in their very hand."

7 Skills for a Post-Pandemic Marketer

The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...