Pepsi’s digital strategy in Canada is centered on, a web site that encourages people to participate and spread the positive culture and energy of the brand online.
On the site, visitors can explore “Joy Meters” which aggregate content to measure what people are doing online to spread the feeling of joy. Joy Meters include Mentions of Joy on Twitter, Results for Joy on Google, Joyous Word of the Day, and Bundles of Joy Born today.
Joygles, Joy-filled games, include Bubble Blaster, Make an Old Man Smile, Staring Contest, Dance Party Dino, and the most recently added game 3 Card Pepsi.
The Pepsi Facebook Fan Page, with over 91,000 fans in the first three weeks, provides a discussion forum on all things Pepsi and another place to play the Joygles. Pepsi Canada’s Twitter feed (@PepsiCanada) provides a steady stream of conversation around the feeling of joy.
Equally impressive, is that in the usually quiet world of corporate fan page Walls, Pepsi fans have been tremendously engaged with the brand with over 9000 interactions to date on the Facebook fan page.
The Joy It Forward campaign was developed at BBDO and Proximity Canada by creative director John Gagne, associate creative director Dave Stevenson, copywriter Jeff Middleton, art director Theo Gibson, project manager Karan Deepak, Flash developer Jeff Vermeersch, technical developers Addictive Mobility, account managers Tim Welsh, Stephanie Wall and Paul Lin, engagement planner Dino Demopoulos.