The campaign idea I am my music. I am music masterencourages consumers to explore their individual musical tastes. The focus of the campaign is on a series of ambient portraits of real people made up from QR codes. Within each of these portraits, live codes link to free downloads of the subject’s top twenty tracks. The user is encouraged to snap the codes with his smartphone and download the free tracks to his computer. The three executions appear in malls around the UAE.
The campaign is also supported in press, on radio and online.
“The idea behind this campaign is beautifully simple. People are defined by the music they listen to. We all have our own unique soundtracks to our histories, and in the case of the ambient posters, consumers are able to explore and download other people’s personal soundtracks for free. What appears to be purely functional technology comes to life to tell a story.
A fresh and intelligent approach for this campaign is produced. It’s something that 16-27 year-olds can really get involved with. Given that the technological know-how and ability to understand this visual language is unique to this target, it has something of the feel of an exclusive club. Beyond the ambient and print, the online banners and radio bring the Music Master message to life in a direct way and tell an engaging story.
CAMPAIGN CREDITS:Project: Reveal phase announcing launch of
Client: Music Master
Brief: To drive traffic to and create buzz and talkability around the site.
Creative Agency: DDB Dubai
Senior Art Director: Diya Ajit
Senior Copywriter: Camilla McLean
Group Account Director: Edward Harris
Digital support: Navin Ashokan, Najeeb Puthuveettil, Naeem Hussain
Retouchers (Ambient/Press): Firstbase London
Photography (Ambient/Press): Paul Emous
Photography (Online): Natasha Carella
Sound Design (Radio): Reiner Erlings, Gayathri Krishnan
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