With the tag line "We live in your world" the TV campaign and the logo itself revolve around the idea of people. While the TV ad is kind of charming and captures the essence of people and their banking worries, the logo is quite disappointing in all aspects. The old logo had that vintage patina that becomes endearing over time, and it had a nice depth to it with the white stripes playing a nice game in the "N" but it wasn't anything fantastic. The new typography strips everything that was remotely interesting about the old one — the multiple lines and the italics — and all that is left is a set of unsightly letters.
The three shapes in the new signage reflect ANZ's three core markets — Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific - while the central human shape represents customers and staff.The icon has what appears to be the leftovers from Cingular knocked out of three random shapes that, all together, form a very strange alien-like form. The shapes of the icon have no reference to the typography and the overall lock-up is downright unpleasant. Unfortunately, the whole thing looks like bad 1980s bank identity work and for a financial organization going head-first into the twenty-first century into new markets, there is no sense of innovation to be found.
— News.com.au
To boot, the "logo" has been reported as costing $15 million and, as usual, the media has had a field day in mocking that amount. As we all know, this is the cost of rolling out the identity and implementing.
“In this day and age, there is a problem we all share -- everything that was meant to make our lives simpler, seemingly made it more complicated. As the world becomes more complicated, it’s no surprise you want simpler banking. Banking that understands the importance of your time. Especially your free time. One that brings banking to your fingertips in more convenient ways you never knew you needed. How do we know you want a bank that listens, simplifies and delivers uncomplicated solutions that are shaped around you? We live in your world.”
The We Live In Your World campaign was developed at M&C Saatchi, Melbourne, by executive creative director Tom McFarlane, creative director Steve Crawford, head of art Murray Bransgrove, copywriter Doogie Chapman, art director Connor Beaver, copywriter Ben Keenan and agency producer Karen Muxworthy.
Filming was shot by director Christopher Riggert via Radical Media with producer Julianne Shelton. Editor was Stewart Reeves at Guillotine, Sydney. Post production was done at Fuel VFX. Music was produced at Song Zu
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