

noodles that won’t swell

Bizarre advertising is not limited to Japan!! Wai Wai Noodles (produced in Nepal and India) has just joined in the fun! College students subsisting on instant noodles might understand the new ad best. I can’t say I’ve had more than 3 packages of instant noodles in the past 10 years, but I’m guessing from the ad that some instant noodles become overly soggy. Wai Wai Noodles has just produced a wacky ad which compares other instant noodle brands to "swollen" sumo wrestlers. Wai Wai Noodles, which claim to never “swell,” are compared to young, slim women.
love that we get a real glimpse of instant noodle eating etiquette on the other side of the Pacific through this video! The quick video made us laugh and is likely to be remembered by US college-age consumers, precisely the generation that likes slightly strange advertising and is most likely to eat instant noodles!

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