
Semantic noise: the copywriter’s curse

“Semantic noise” is the term communication professors use to describe what happens when words mean different things to different people.

Here’s one notorious example. A copywriter wrote the following slogan for a cough syrup company:
“Try our cough syrup. You will never get any better.”
You can see what the poor copywriter meant to say, but his slogan can be understood in two ways. It creates major semantic noise and you are left wondering why anyone would buy a product that promises to NOT work.

Here are other examples of semantic noise caused by writers from around the world.

  • Sign in Norwegian cocktail lounge: “Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar.”
  • Detour sign in Japan: “Stop. Drive Sideways.”
  • Hotel in Vienna: “In case of fire, do your utmost to alarm the hotel porter.”
  • Elevator in Germany: “Do not enter the lift backwards, and only when lit up.”
  • Dry cleaner window in Bangkok: “Drop your pants here for best results.”
  • And my favorite from a Japanese hotel: “You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid.”
These are all extreme examples, of course. But they show what can happen when you mean to say one thing and your words are understood to mean something else.

The solution?

1. Look for semantic noise in your copy. Just being aware of the possibility of confusion, and that words do not carry set meaning, can help you avoid this sort of copywriting catastrophe.
2. Don’t write in a rush. I always try to build “cooling off” time into every project. I write, set aside the copy for a day or two, then come back to it with fresh eyes. This always helps you see things you didn’t see in the heat of writing.
3. Show your copy to other people. A client, proofreader, friend, anyone. Fresh, objective eyes can quiet semantic noise in a hurry.

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