
35 Creative and Effective Public Interest Ads

Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences. “Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest – it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes.” Attributed to Howard Gossage by David Ogilvy.
Public service advertising reached its height during World Wars I and II under the direction of more than one government. Here we have collated some of the most creative and effect public interest ads. Can you get the message from those ads too?

It’s Time To Get Your Hands Dirty.

Now that the well has been sealed and the leaking has stopped, do your part. Join A Bird In Hand Project and donate now.


The longer you live on the street, the harder it is to get off it.

Different Faces

When a tree falls, it takes other lives with it.

No Career Resists Alcoholism

Self Clean

Unfortunately the beach doesn’t clean itself.

Child Safety

Protect your child’s room from violence.

Don’t Suffer In Silence

Slut. Words hurt. You can’t see them but the scars from verbal abuse are real and can last for years. Don’t suffer in silence.

Animals Suffer Like We Do

Put yourself in a mink’s place.Don’t buy animal skins!

See You On The Road

For more understanding on the roads See You On The Road-> Use reflectors

Affiche Robot

Time to Neuter Your Dog

Biodiversity And Biosafety Awareness

What will it take before we respect the planet?

Don’t Drink and Drives

What’s the price of a bottle of beer?

Help Mother Nature To Fight Back

Nothing We will Ever Bring Them Back

Help Us to Keep The Ocean Clean

When we pollute the sea, we pollute for a long time.Help us to keep the ocean clean.

Smoke Deaths

Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,377. Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000

The Gifts

Anatomy Model Woman

Vegetables are all your body needs.

Sleepiness is Stronger Than You

Sleepiness is stronger than you.ThaiHealth. Don’t Drive Sleepy Project

Poor Boy

You can lose more than your patience.

15th Annual Chief of Police Dinner Gala

Would You Care More If I Was A Rhino

Would you care more if I was a rhino?

When They Speak

When they speak, we listen. Conservação Internacional

Bossy Boot

When he controls your life, it’s no longer your life.

Feed on Milk

If you don’t help feed them, who will? Please call Concordia Children’s.

Polar bear

The earth is heating up.

Shark Tattoo

Set harm, get harm.

As Big As Its Benefits

Rodoanel, the biggest road work in Brazil, is ready. As big as its benefits. That’s the only thing people talk about: Rodoamel facilitates the draining of the national production to the biggest post in the country.

Talk to Someone Else

Talk. To someone else. Don’t encourage domestic violence.

The Tuna

Only a tenth of the catch in long line tuna fishing is actually tuna.

Regenerate Horse

Help neglected animals leave their old lives behind.

Saving a National Treasure

The Crayfish had pharmaceuticals for breakfast and a Catfish had him for lunch and you had the Catfish for dinner. The Susquehanna runs through you. Protect it. Protect yourself. Dispose of chemicals and pharmaceuticals responsibly. And limit fertilizer use.

Close Stool

Due to the lack of toilets that are specifically designated for their needs, our disabled friends run into many frustrating moments during the course of their day. Are you aware?


Before it’s too late


The First Digital Copywriter

It's Joe McCambley, who is listed as copywriter on that very first 1994 banner for AT&T on HotWired.

According to his bio (pdf), "Joe conceived and developed the first advertising experience that ever appeared on the Internet in October of 1994. It was a banner that led to an online tour of the world’s best art museums, sponsored by AT&T and developed for the inaugural issue of HotWired Magazine."

Which also answers an old question -- what happened when people did click "right HERE".

Alternative Apparel| Rebranding

Problem: Alternative, Alternative Apparel, Alternative Earth. This brand has 5 different names and multiple websites. But when you say, Alternative Apparel, people wonder what kind of American Apparel product extension you’re talking about. That’s a problem for premium priced clothing company selling basics.
Insight: Inspiring creativity is the common thread through all of Alternative Apparel’s messaging. All creative people have to deal with the blank page and the first mark. The moment of creation.
Solution: Refocus the brand to their original mission–to create the world’s best T-Shirt. So we recommended that they drop the “Alternative” and just be “Apparel.”
We want to emphasize the brand’s muted soft cotton clothing. Letting their clothes become the blank slate of a wardrobe. So that creatives can dress quietly but create loudly.
Their messaging, clothing, website and in-store will all emphasize the infinite potential of a blankness.

New Proposed Branding:

Proposed Website

New Website Homepage

New Website Shopping Page

Flagship Store Design

New flagship store design
Redesigned Catalogue
Redesigned Catalogue

Old Branding:

Logo Evolution: Original Logo, Updated Logo, Our Proposed Logo

Old Website
AD: Sarah Kraus
CT: Josh Souter
CW: Adam Aceino (wrote, edited and co-shot video)
Brand Manager: Lisa Scotti
Planner: Jennifer Martin
CD: Kelly O’Keefe

Play Doh| free play time

Problem: How do you make new advertising for a brand that’s been the category leader for over 50 years?

As kids learn to use technology at a younger and younger age, creative toys that allow unstructured free play time are increasingly cut out. Since Play Doh has been around for so long, it tends not to be top of mind.
Insight: Today’s parents grew up with and are still nostalgic for Play Doh. Just the smell of it brings back fond memories.
Solution: Play Doh scented print ads in women’s and parenting magazines reminding parents of the importance of creative free play time for their child’s development.
Tagline: Kids should play like kids.
Tagline: Kids should play like kids.
Tagline: Kids should play like kids.
MY Role: Concept development, copywriting and photography. 
AD: Warner Whatley
CW: Adam Aceino
CD: Wayne Gibson

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The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...