
HP :::Serena Williams endorses HP

BRAND OWNER:Hewlett Packard
CATEGORY:Electronic Goods
DATE :Mar 2008 - Apr 2008

Hewlett Packard dominates the notebook market in India with its two brands - Compaq and HP Pavilion.

Due to its price premium, HP Pavilion is the more lucrative brand, so HP wanted to position this brand as amore fashionable laptop.

To make HP Pavilion a fashion brand, it needed to be seen by the right people in the right place.

HP Pavilion sponsored Indian Fashion Week in Delhi and, recognizing that celebrity endorsement is 62% more influential in India than elsewhere, decided to leverage the HP ambassador Serena Williams, who was visiting at the time to play the Bangalore Open.

While she was a tennis icon, she was not immediately associated with fashion. HP discovered that Williams adored hip designer duo Nikhil & Shantanu – the toast of Indian fashion. So the designers were commissioned to create a collection based on the skins of the limited imprint edition HP Pavilion for Williams to wear.

HP created 12 fashion-themed road shows in regions near Delhi as well as an online campaign and TV campaign on Fashion TV. HP also held a press conference with Serena Williams following the Bangalore Open, held as part of Fashion Week. It was staged as a fashion show, with Serena walking the catwalk with models wearing the Nikhil-Shantanu collection.
The entire cost only around $200k USD. The Limited Edition version of the HP Pavilion was out of stock in within two months.

The Nintendo Game Boy Timeline


Contest replaces ad campaign for Nissan launch

If contests can be used to fill a job or promote a region of the world, why couldn't they launch a car?
That's apparently the thinking at Nissan Canada, which recently kicked off a competition to select 50 people to win a free 2009 Nissan Cube.

Nissan Canada's hypercube contest is a unique social media campaign to promote the company's new Cube vehicle, which launches in May. Rather than embark on yet another mass-media advertising campaign, Nissan and Capital C—its creative partner in the effort—have chosen to tap the creativity of Canadian consumers.

Back in March they invited up to 1,000 Canadian musicians, DJs, dancers, programmers, designers, bloggers, podcasters, poets, writers, storytellers and artists—"anyone who considers themselves creative, hip, interesting or unique"—to explain via survey and Twitter why they should be selected to audition for one of the winning 50 spots.
From that initial group the top-scoring 500 individuals were selected to audition via Facebook, Twitter and the hypercube site using photos, videos, illustrations or other media to demonstrate how they personify the Cube brand. (Current examples can be found here.)
Due to wrap up in mid-May, auditions will be evaluated by a panel of independent judges based on uniqueness, creativity, personality, enthusiasm, survey responses and peer voting. Consumers can register to vote on the hypercube site, and the 50 winners of the brand-new Cube will be announced in mid-June.
With advertising clutter and consumer skepticism at the heights they are, it's no wonder clever marketers are turning to alternative methods to break through the din.

The contests will continue to come fast and furious, we expect—why not try one out for your net-savvy brand? (Related: Scion drives into Second Life.)
Contact: joncube@hypercube.ca


Lyntoto:::Betting on women

BRAND OWNER:Norsk Rikstoto
DATE :Apr 2008 - Aug 2008

Norsk Rikstoto is an independent foundation established by the Norwegian Trotting Association and the Norwegian Jockey Club.

Betting on horses is big business in Norway, but the foundation was seeing its consumer base of men over the age of 40 dwindle.

Lyntoto is a gambling product aimed at those who don’t really understand horse racing and trotting. An automated system uses form and rankings to pick the horses the customer bets on in seven different races that take place every Saturday.
Norsk Rikstoto isolated women aged 25-55 as a key untapped target audience for Lyntoto. The women they wanted to attract were“fortune gamblers”, i.e. attracted by big prizes but with little understanding of the sport. The campaign revolved around a humorous gambling kiosk owner called Tor who explains to younger customers how to bet on the horses with Lyntoto. This was launched on TV, online, radio and in print.
By targeting such an different audience, Lyntoto increased its sales by 16.5% and continues to run into 2009.

Whiskas::: Let's purr together

DATE:Jan 2008 - Mar 2008

Whiskas is market leader in Hungary, but it was under threat from competitors including own-label products. It needed to push the emotional brand connection it had started to establish with its regional them of “let’s purr together”, especially in the more competitive dry food sector.

Whiskas’ target audience was women aged 35-55 who don’t just look for functional features in cat food, they look for the product that will most satisfy their feline friends.
A cat’s purr is the universal sign of feline satisfaction, so Whiskas strategy had to exploit it via audio and audio-visual channels.

Whiskas created an owner-purring contest which ran on Hungary’s most popular national morning radio show.
Participants applied by SMS to purr on air and prizes were given out to the best purring owners. In-store there were displays triggered by motion-sensors.
When someone passed the displays, the movement triggered the message: “Meoww, purr, irresistibly tasty Whiskas dry food with pocket kibbles”. This was supported by a microsite and a TV and radio campaign.
The in-store programme was particularly successful, delivering a 16% sales volume uplift for the Whiskas dry portfolio.

Starburst::: Share something juicy

CATEGORY:Confectionery/ Snacks
DATE:Jun 2008 - Dec 2008

Confectionary brand Starburst had aggressive growth goals in 2008 and wanted to revitalize itself among 18-24 year olds online, with the launch of a new product, GummiBursts.
Starburst realised that for 18-24 year olds, the digital space provides the setting to create the identity they want the world to know. They use every opportunity to share themselves with anyone who will pay attention. The Share Something Juicy campaign connects the candy to insights about today’s TMI (Too Much Information) culture, where people's personal moments are captured and broadcast more than ever.
The campaign is highlighted by partnerships with popular vloggers, entertaining viral videos about sharing, with creative control given over to vloggers to create videos that show what happens when people share everything in their minds – Moments in Sharing.
Starburst also produced, in partnership with Nest New Networks, Nite Fite - an episodic cartoon series in which Starburst was integrated into the fabric of the show. Within the cartoon, two talk show hosts share their feelings about the challenges of their new sponsor, Starburst, in an interesting twist on a traditional media sponsorship.
Nite Fite and vlogger videos combined to deliver nearly 11 million engaged video views. The GummiBurst launch creative received strong branding, with the new product messaging driving a 14% lift in purchase intent and brand favourability among the target.

Ariel::: Think about wasting water

BRAND OWNER :Procter & Gamble
CATEGORY :Household Goods
REGION :Germany
DATE :Jul 2008 - Sep 2008

Ariel is one of the two big players in the German detergents market, with competitor Persil benefiting from a strong heritage of over 100 years. Ariel needed to position its product and communication strategy to appeal to people's support of sustainalble consumption, which is still strong even in times of economic strain.
Ariel's target is environmentally conscious, but only when it is at little extra effort and saves money.
Ariel's new detergent technology allows the consumer to forego the pre-wash, saving water and money. The challenge was to educate the target to the scarcity of water as a natural resource and to the financial cost of over consumption.
Ariel started with a pre-launch phase before the official start of advertising. To sharpen the targets awareness Ariel used 10 TV Specials: "Surprising water facts" spots from daily life.
Questions like 'did you know that you consumed 160 litres of water yesterday?' - were placed within Sat. 1 breakfast TV, catching the target as she starts her daily routine.
Once awareness had been sharpened, the target was invited to share their own water saving tips. Prizes worth 20,000 Euros were used as incentive, and the education was continued on Sat. 1's online portal. Underscoring this campaign was the fact that using Ariel allows you to give up your pre-wash, and do your bit for the environment.
In September 2008 Ariel took over market leadership in volume (+3.4ppts ahead) from long-time German market leader Persil for the first time.

Shredded Wheat :::Putting the "NO" in Innovation

In a time when many food products are being enhanced with super ingredients and altered to match the latest diet trends, one food brand is bucking marketing trends and embracing its lack of innovation.
After more than 100 years, Post Original Shredded Wheat cereal continues to be made with one simple, honest ingredient 100% natural whole grain wheat.


Social networking trends

which recently announced that more than one million social networks have been created using its service, is currently the 2nd fastest growing social networking property. Its traffic is up 283 percent year-over-year, and it now reaches a total of 5.6 million people in the US.

which we recently reported saw a one month surge of nearly 50 percent on the heels of a redesign and AIM integration, has grown 148 percent in the past year, and now reaches more than 6.1 million people in the US.This is significant because Bebo is known mostly for being big overseas, but insignificant in the US. The next few months will tell us if this was a one-time pop thanks to AIM integration or a continued trend thanks to some innovative things Bebo is doing with Socialthing.

continues to be one of the quickest growing social sites and has more than doubled its size in the past year. It now reaches better than 15.8 million people in the US, ranking it 3rd in total size behind Facebook and MySpace. It’s no doubt being buoyed by the weak economy and high unemployment as people turn to the site and their connections to find work.

As for “the big three,” the story remains much the same.

is now growing at a mind-boggling 2,565 percent. In total, it reached more than 13 million people in the US during the month - and that’s just on its website (i.e. - not counting clients like TweetDeck or Seesmic Desktop). Next month will likely see this total continue to swell, thanks to huge mainstream media events like Ashton Kutcher versus CNN and Oprah jumping onto Twitter.

continues to extend its lead over MySpace. In March, it saw 69.1 million visitors, versus 55.9 million for the News Corp-owned social networking site. In fact, MySpace was the only social networking site measured in the Nielsen survey that saw its traffic decline year-over-year.

Word Of Mouth Visualized

As it says visually, we have three potential scenarios. Promoters, passives and detractors.
  • Passives :who have mediocre experiences don't talk about them and so there is no conversation around the subject (this is where most word of mouth marketing initiatives fail).
  • Promoters have a good experience and tell people about it,
  • Detractors who have a bad experience with something tell even more people about it.

Word of mouth isn't always positive, it's often negative and that's where there's opportunities to engage detractors, change opinions and improve products and services.

Coca Cola's corporate responsibility

Ivendo Positivamente for South America

Live Positively for the US


The Female Shopper, shop online

Glossary of Some Direct Marketing Terms

ABOVE THE LINE (ATL) COMMUNICATION: Communication that primarily uses high-profile (high visibility) mass media like print, television, radio, outdoors, etc.

ACTION DEVICES: Techniques or elements used in the message to elicit a response by the target audience. Also referred to as Response Devices.

ACTIVE MEMBERS: Members who are eligible to receive program or brand communication by virtue of having met certain pre-defined eligibility criteria. As opposed to Lapsed or Expired Members.

AUTOMATIC CALL DIRECTOR (ACD): Computer software that receives all incoming calls and directs them to call handlers in a pre-determined manner. If all call handlers are busy, the ACD plays a pre-recorded message to that effect, till a call handler becomes free to take the next call.

AVERAGE ORDER VALUE: A simple mathematical figure arrived at by dividing the total revenue generated from a program or exercise divided by the total number of orders received under the program or exercise.

BELOW THE LINE (BTL) COMMUNICATION: Communication that primarily uses low-profile (low visibility) media such as direct mail, telephones, single-venue events, the Internet or email.

BILL ENCLOSURE: Promotional material enclosed with a bill, an invoice or a statement.

BRC / BRE: Business Reply Card / Envelope: A response format that a customer or prospect can use to write back to the company in response to a mailer, where the company pays the postal department based on the number of responses received. The BRC / BRE is usually enclosed with the mailer to facilitate cost-free response from the target recipient.

BRP: Business Reply Permit: A permit that has to be procured by a company from the postal authority to facilitate use of the BRC / BRE reply format. The postal authority issues a permit to be issued for a specific post office at which the company can receive replies in the form of BRCs or BREs.

BURST: To separate continuous form paper into individual sheets. (High-speed printing systems designed to handle regular-frequency large volume print runs like credit card or telecom bills routinely have a “burster” to separate continuous stationery into individual mailable statements).

C/A: Change of address. A notification put on mail which may have returned to the originator with a revised address of the target recipient, or any communication received from a target recipient to the communicator to notify the same.

CLEANING: Refers to the process of removing, updating or altering contact details like a name or address in a database. This may be the result of data being out of date, or being incorrectly entered in the first instance.

COLLATE: To assemble individual elements of a mailer in a precise sequence for inserting into a mailing envelope.

COMPLETED CALLS: Inbound or outbound calls, where all the required data has been collected from the respondents, or a pre-determined decision point has been reached, and that does not requiring any further calls to the target.

CONTINUOUS STATIONARY: Stationery designed for high-speed computer printing, which can later be burst or trimmed to size and collated for mailing.

COST PER INQUIRY (CPI): A mathematical value derived by dividing the total cost of a mailing or a direct-response advertisement by the number of inquiries received.

COST PER ORDER (CPO): A mathematical value derived by dividing the total cost of a direct marketing campaign by the number of orders received. Focus on orders as opposed to inquiries.

COUPON: Portion of an advertisement or promotional mailer to be completed by the customer and returned to the advertiser.

DATABASE: A structured collection, storage or presentation of specific data. A direct marketing database provides a means to contact a group of prospects as well as a method to measure responses. A database is usually purpose-specific and contains qualifying information about its members, as opposed to a list which is just a compilation of names and addresses without any qualifying or unifying criteria. (See also: Relational Databases, RDBMS).

DATA CAPTURE FORM: A form designed to capture response data in a very specific structure and format, so as to make it easy to standardize data for entry into a database. It is essential to design data capture forms and databases in sync, to optimize the data structure for future enhancements as well as analysis. Specific care also needs to be taken to ensure that capture of crucial fields like

PIN / ZIP codes is done according to tightly controlled rules.

DATA ENTRY STANDARDS: A set of rules to be followed when creating, adding, deleting, arranging, or selecting records in databases, designed to ensure uniformity and consistency across all entries made by different individuals or over time.

DEAD MAIL: Mail sent to an intended recipient that is returned to the sender without any further information on where the same can be redirected in future. This can be due to incorrect / incomplete address, or target recipient having moved, or having changed names and the updated information is not available to the sender.

DE-DUPLICATION: Elimination of duplication in names, to make sure that no matter how many times a name and address appears on a list, it will be mailed to only once. The process involves intensive standardization of data before it can be effectively de-duplicated.

DEFAULT SALUTATION: Names on a database or rented list which are incomplete or incorrect, or do not have proper titles, need to be replaced with a common salutation such as "Dear Sir/Madam", "Dear Colleague", etc.

DIRECT MARKETING: A planned system of contacts seeking to produce a lead or an order. Using any media, direct marketing requires the use of a database for the responses to be measured. Key differentiators of direct marketing from conventional communication are: Communication is one-to-one (as opposed to one-to-many), interactive (allowing for two way communication), responsive (where next communication is a specific response to a previous one) and measurable (number of responses can be precisely computed).

DIRECT RESPONSE ADVERTISING: Mass-media advertising inviting targets to respond to a specific contact point by any means where the number of responses can be measured. Mass media advertising carrying coupons, call-back numbers, post boxes or website names are all examples direct response advertising.

DUMMY: A fictitious or “control” name and address that is deliberately inserted into a list to verify how the list is being used, or to confirm final delivery of the mailer. (See also Seed.)
DUPE: The appearance of identical, repeated information in a database. Dupe is short for "duplicate".

EXPIRED MEMBERS: Former members who are no longer eligible to receive program or brand communication by virtue of having ceased to meet pre-defined eligibility criteria.

FLOATING VARIABLE: "Personalised" information that can be placed anywhere within a laser text, usually within a sentence. Used to make communication content appear highly personalized.

FREQUENCY: The number of times an individual has purchased a company’s product or service over a certain period of time. One of the key measures of customer loyalty, along with “Recency” and “Monetary Value” (the three terms are collectively referred to as RFM).

FRIEND-OF-A-FRIEND: Friend referrals. The process of known target audience members referring or providing names of other unknown friends who might also be interested in a specific advertiser's products or services. Also referred to as Member-Get-Member approach.

FULFILMENT: The complete process of complying with a customer’s response, by way of supplying goods against an order placed, or providing complete and specific information asked for by the respondent.

GIMMICK: Any attention seeking device used in communication.

HOUSE LIST: An in-house or owned mailing list developed by a company over time, based on current or former customers or inquires; usually does not contain additional data on customer / prospect behavior relating to the company’s products or services.

INBOUND TELEMARKETING: Handling an incoming call from a prospect or customer, who calls in to a number publicized through various media.

INCOMPLETE CALLS: Inbound or outbound calls, where the caller is unable to speak to a target respondent, or unable to collect all the required data, and where further calls are required.

INFLUENCER: A person who is involved in – or has a major influence on – the buying decision process, but who does not make the final buying decision.

INKJET: A type of printing process that uses very fine and controlled jets of ink onto paper to produce text and graphics. Inkjet printing is a cheaper alternative to laser printing.

INQUIRY: Someone who has asked for literature or other information about a product or service, but has not necessarily made a buying decision. Also sometimes referred to as a Lead.

INSERT: Element placed in an outgoing mailer package or invoice.

INTEGRATED MARKETING: A combination of two or more forms of marketing used to sell a product or service (eg. a direct mail campaign combined with a series of television commercials).

MAILHOUSE: Company which performs the mechanical and operational details involved with bulk mailing, including addressing, printing, collating, sorting, etc.

LIFETIME VALUE: In direct marketing, this refers to the total amount of money that the customer is expected to spend on a particular product category in his or her lifetime. If this can be ascertained (and it can be, with some effort), the objective of a brand manager would then be to direct as much of that value as possible towards his or her brand.

LIST: (Mailing List) A set of names and addresses of companies or individuals with a common interest, activity or characteristic, but without any additional qualifying or classification data.

LIST MAINTENANCE: Any method which keeps name and address records up-to-date.

LIST RENTAL: An arrangement between a list owner and a mailer, where the owner provides a set of names and addresses, for which the mailer pays one-time “rent”.

LIST SAMPLE: A set of names selected randomly from a list, to evaluate the responsiveness of the entire list. Also referred to as a Test List.

LOYALTY PROGRAM: A program to track and reward customers who continually use a company’s products or services. Rewards are usually linked to the total purchase value.

MASTER FILE: A master repository of all data, from which sub-sets of data can be extracted for specific uses. A master file is usually not used for processes, since any corruption or damage to data can result in loss of valuable data gathered over time and at a high cost.

MATCHING: Ensuring that multiple personalized elements that go into a single mail pack all relate to the same person or member code. Matching usually involves comparing name, address or a unique identification number.

MERGE & PURGE: To merge one data file with another and de-duplicate the resultant file to produce a consolidated file with no duplicated records.

MONETARY VALUE: The total value of one or more transactions carried out by a customer during a specific period of time. One of the key measures of customer loyalty, along with “Recency” and “Frequency” (the three terms are collectively referred to as RFM).

NAME ACQUISITION: The process of soliciting a response in order to obtain names and addresses for developing a mailing list. Direct response advertising in mass media is usually employed to acquire names when no list or database is readily available, or when potential targets are widely dispersed.

NESTING: Placing one enclosure within another before inserting them into a mailing envelope.

NTH NAME: A selection for a list test mailing where names are selected on the basis of the size of the test sample in relation to the size of the list.

OFFER: The terms promoting a particular product or service.

ORDER CARD: Reply card used to initiate an order through the mail.

OUTBOUND TELEMARKETING: Outward calls made by a marketer to list of phone numbers, as opposed to inbound telemarketing where the customer calls in first.

PEEL-OFF LABEL: A self-adhesive label attached to a cardboard backing sheet in a mailing piece. The label can then be removed from the mailing piece and stuck to an order card.

PENETRATION: Relationship of the number of individuals or families on a particular list compared to the total number possible.

PERSONALISATION: Printing of letters and other promotional material with details that are unique to each individual recipient (like names, addresses, transaction details, etc) that are extracted from a computerized database. Personalization has been proven to increase response levels, since such mail is seen as personal communication by the recipient, and not as “junk mail”. PHONE LIST: Mailing List compiled from names listed in telephone directories.

PIGGY-BACK: An offer that hitches a free ride with another offer.

PIN Code: Postal Identification Number Code. Each Post Office is assigned a unique PIN code which – if properly written – will allow the postal department to route mail to the specific post office within whose jurisdiction the intended recipient is located. PIN Codes are usually composed of individual alphabets or numerals for State, District / County, City, Suburb and (for larger suburbs) neighborhood.

POLY-BAG / POLY-WRAP / PLASTIC WRAP: See through plastic bag used instead of an envelope for mailing.

POP-UP: A printed piece containing a paper construction pasted into a paper fold which will "pop- up" when the fold is opened. The "pop-up" forms a three dimensional promotional illustration.

POST BOX / POST BAG: A specific numbered box or bag assigned to a company at the local post office in anticipation of a large number of mail to be received. Companies which undertake large volumes of direct mail activities usually opt for a Post Box or Post Bag into which all responses received are stored, and from which an authorized representative has to go and collect the mail and periodic intervals (Postal authorities usually do not undertake to deliver bulk responses to companies, except as a specially paid for service).

POST CARD: Single sheet self-mailers printed on card stock.

PP: Postage Paid. Refers to an envelope which does not need a stamp because it has a Royal Mail imprint.

PROSPECT: A potential buyer for a product or service who has yet to make a purchase.

PROSPECTING: Sending mail to generate leads for further sales contacts rather than trying to get immediate sales.

PROTECTED MAILING PERIOD: A period of time before and after a mailing date a list owner will not allow the same names to be mailed by anyone - except the assigned mailer.

PSM: Pre-Sorted Mail. Post offices do not usually accept bulk mail for postage unless it is pre-sorted by the postal code of the receiving post offices.

PSYCHOGRAPHICS: Characteristics or qualities used to denote the lifestyles or attitudes of prospects and customers.

PURGE: The process of removing duplicates and other unwanted names and addresses from a list or lists.

RECENCY: The most recent recorded purchase information about a customer on a database. One of the key measures of customer loyalty, along with “Frequency” and “Monetary Value” (the three terms are collectively referred to as RFM).

RECORD: Name, address and other information pertaining to a single entity (equivalent to a row in a table).

RELATIONAL DATABASE: A database that shows the relationship between various pieces of information stored about customers. The information stored can include anything from names and addresses, to a customer’s buying habits. Relational databases make updating or altering records, as well as analyzing information of a particular type a much easier task.

RDBMS: A complex set of logic and rules governing the storage of related information across multiple databases, designed to facilitate ease of storage, ease of access and ease of analysis of large amounts of data across specific parameters, in order to ascertain effectiveness of a direct marketing program. Information across the various databases is usually linked using a key field or relational field

RESPONSE CODES: Unique identifying characters used on response devices to identify the mailing list, specific version of mailing, or other differentiation within the mailing exercise.

RESPONSE RATE: Number of responses received as a percentage of total mailers sent out.

RETURN MAIL: Mail which comes back to the sender undelivered, due to a variety of reasons. Unless the reason for return mail can be identified and rectified, the record is usually tagged on the database to stop further mailings being sent to that individual. (See also Tag.)

RFM: Acronym for Recency, Frequency and Monetary Value. RFM is a formula used to evaluate the overall worth and/or loyalty of a customer to a company. Depending on the company’s objectives and product category, specific values are assigned to each of the parameters to determine the loyalty of a customer.

ROLLOUT: To continue with the actual large-scale mailing after testing a portion of the mailing list.

SEED: A name and address that is deliberately inserted into a list to verify how the list is being used, or to confirm final delivery of the mailer. (See also Dummy.)

SELECTION CRITERIA: Refers to characteristics used to identify segments or sub-groups within a list.

SELF-MAILER: A mailer designed to form an envelope when folded, thus not requiring a separate outer envelope.

SEQUENTIAL PROCESSING: Information storage. Each item must be read one at a time, going through all the preceding records to get to the next record in sequential order.

SHEET-FED FORMS: Using a standard cut form in computer printing as opposed to continuous stationery. Also called Cut-sheet Forms.

SPLIT TEST: Representative samples from the same list, used for package tests, or to test homogeneity of the list.

STEP UP: Special offers designed to get a buyer to increase his units of purchase.

TAG: To mark a record with definitive criteria so it can be used or avoided in the future.

TEASER: An advertisement or promotion planned to excite curiosity about a later advertisement or promotion.

TELEMARKETING: Using telecommunications in sales and marketing efforts.

TELESCRIPT: Telephone conversation script which a telecaller has to follow in order to maintain a specific standard and quality of contact in each call. A comprehensive telescript takes into account all possible scenarios and responses that the target can give, and provides options for the telecaller to take in each scenario. A telescript also needs to have a data capture form designed in sync, so that the telecaller can capture responses easily and accurately at each instance.

TIP-ON: An item glued to a printed piece.

TITLE ADDRESSING: Functional titles used in compiling business lists, where no individual names are available.

TRAFFIC BUILDER: A direct mail piece used mainly as a way to attract customers to the mailer's place of business.

UNIVERSE: Total number of people who might qualify for inclusion in a mailing list; where all of whom fit a single set of eligibility criteria.

UPDATE: To add the most current information to a database.

VARIABLE INFORMATION: Data that relates specifically to each individual in a database.

VERIFICATION: Sending a questionnaire or making a call to a respondent to ensure genuineness or validity of an order placed or information provided

Bluespace::: Conquering the space through search

BRAND OWNER :Bluespace
CATEGORY :Office Goods
DATE :Apr 2008 - Dec 2008

The self storage market has been growing at a rapid speed in Spain – well above the European average. Since it’s inception in 2002, Bluespace has been the largest storage company in Spain, but new competitors were popping up every day, mostly from the local sector.

More than 50% of Bluespace’s business is generated through the internet, specifically Search Engine Marketing, and the challenge was to drive more business.
Bluespace has two types of consumers: rental or home owners and corporations. Those individuals who take advantage of Bluespace services do so because they are either moving or renovating, or because they need extra storage space near their home, while companies often use it to store files when office space is just not available.
Bluespace launched a three month test campaign, fostering agreements with several business sites to measure CPC and CPM rates, keywords and conversion rates. It then analyzed SEM by reviewing current investments to define a more effective structure. Bluespace then simplified the ad words structure to gain more control over performance. The entire campaign was tracked and optimized on a daily basis, with keywords being added and older words being deleted. Keywords like “moving services” and “real estate” were found to the consumer. The Bluespace landing page being modified based on keywords. The campaign achieved more than 24m impressions and there was a 200% increase in leads per month during the last four months of the campaign. The cost per “hot lead” (CPR) dropped from €150 to €50 on average. The client was so happy with our findings/optimizations that there will be a 40% increase in online investment in 2009 and a 100% increase in search

LG:::Marketing a television like a TV series

BRAND OWNER :LG Electronics
CATEGORY:Electronic Goods
DATE:Apr 2008 - May 2008

The flat-panel TV (FPTV) market is hugely cluttered and competitive, with individual models and brands competing on perceived quality and technical specifications inevitably resulting in confusion for consumers.

LG was also being outspent by 3:1 by competitors, making stand-out harder to achieve. LG developed a product which could not only compete on technical specifications, would also demonstrate LG's reputation for stylish design and appeal to people on a deeper, more aesthetic level.
In order to appeal to the target audience of stylish brand followers, the communications strategy had to be unique.
The approach was therefore to launch Scarlet as a “new TV series” and not as a “new series of TVs”.
High profile Hollywood producer/director, David Nutter (Smallville, Band of Brothers, The Sopranos) was secured for the ‘TV series’ and he selected Natassia Maltie as the ‘star’ of the show.
The media strategy was to mimic a TV station launching a new show. To make this international strategy relevant for the Dutch market, local star Micky Hoogendijk had a “role” in the series.The goal was to get as much media attention as possible by using our PR network and Micky Hoogendijk’s press contacts before announcing the real role Micky was playing in the LG promotion.
A partnership with the largest Dutch TV Guide Veronica Magazine resulted in a non-branded advertising campaign announcing the start of the new hit TV series Scarlet, which was due to be broadcast on national television. Eventually Hoogendijk was sent to the international reveal in London, which resulted in a further round of publicity.
More than two million people watched at least one of the TV items about Scarlet, four million people read about it in newspaper articles. An estimated 60% of the target audience was reached by the free publicity about Scarlet.
The value of the media exposure tripled the original investment. The campaign resulted in the Scarlet TV range selling out in The Netherlands in the weeks following the campaign, with retailers having to hastily reorder the product.

Johnsons Baby Oil :::Cinematic Advertising

BRAND OWNER :Johnson & Johnson
REGION :Philippines
DATE :Jul 2008 - Sep 2008

Although Johnson's Baby Oil is category leader, J&J wanted to drive usage occasions beyond the customary pre-bathing regime.

J&J wanted to preach the benefits of touch therapy for the baby and present existing customers with new usage occasions while simultaneously bringing new users into the market.
J&J found a way to engage mothers by integrating components of health talks, which are usually rather boring, with the excitement of the cinema.

A specially-written movie for Johnson's Baby Oil was screened in purpose built cinemas in urban communities - the cinemas included crèche facilities, enabling mothers to experience the movies in their own communities in a novel and personal way.
The movie, Botelya, is about a chance and heart-wrenching encounter between two mothers during the war, one of whom gave away her infant son in order to save his life. Bound by their shared and common love for a son, they are reunited years later.

In the film an old green bottle of Johnson's Baby Oil plays a pivotal role - allowing JD, the protagonist, to reconnect with his past, and his loving mother.
The screenings were promoted with 15 second trailers on TV, announcements using community banners and door-to-door invitations to mothers. Vehicles took mothers to the screenings, and their kids were looked after with games and gifts in the crèche areas. Before the screenings, health experts demonstrated infant massage techniques and free J&J products were distributed - excluding Johnson's Baby Oil.

Following the campaign there was a 26% sales increase, and frequency of regular usage was up to 52% from 21%.

Sign Language

Advertising Agency: Muchimuchi, Paris, France
Creative Director: Nicolas Dondina
Art Director: Thierry Audurand
Copywriter: Eric Ancian
Photographer: Samuel Lugassy
Released: April 2009

Agency: WTG, Dubai - London
Creative Director: Abbas Naqvi
Copywriter: Sameer Ahman Khan



Dubai Lynx Outdoor
Type Of Entry: Ambient
Category: Ambient: Small Scale
Product/Service: K-LYNN LINGERIE
Entrant Company: JWT CAIRO 2009
Executive Creative Director: Lars Busekist
Creative Director: Rania Makarem

Type: alternative media
Title: Imagine you there - sea
Advertiser: Aruba Agency: Lew’Lara \ TBWA
Creative Director: Lewkovicz Jaques, Andrew Laurentino, Felipe Luchi and Victor Sant’Anna Art Director: Manu Mazzaro Editor: Felipe Cirino Photo: Vitor Rocha and Gabriel Bittencourt
Country: Brazil
Year: January 2009

Client: Malaysian Airline System Berhad
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, Kuala Lumpur
Executive Creative Director: Daniel Comar
Creative Directors: Brian Capel/Kamal Gangaram
Country: Malaysia
Year: May 2008

Jeep Mexico:::The Exits campaign

Jeep has been presented as the best off road option in Mexico with a set of three roadside billboards designed at BBDO Mexico.
The agency had the challenge of strengthening the Jeep brand among their target, showing the essence of the brand, highlighting its unique capacity and performance off-road, with a ridiculously low budget.
They placed three affordable billboards out of town on Mexico’s busiest highway over the summer, integrating them to the highway by using colors and typography resembling official signage.
The billboards point to non-existent roads to Acapulco, Puerto Escondido and Eterna Juventud (Fountain of Youth) but include the small print - “Solo Para Jeep”, “Just For Jeep”.

Mahou :Wiki-movie

BRAND OWNER:Grupo Mahou San Miguel
CATEGORY:Drinks (alcoholic)
DATE:Mar 2009 - Jul 2009

In Spain, legislation allows alcohol advertisers to show the product, but not drinking the product. Beer brand Mahou wanted to create an engaging experience around the brand, but within the confines of the legislation.
Mahou’s solution was to recruit two comedians (Jose Corbacho and Juan Cruz) to prepare a short film, whose entire plot and characters are chosen by users through polls, comments or user-generated content. Named “La Wikipeli” (The Wiki-movie), the short film is effectively co-directed by whoever chooses to participate.

People can sign up via a site,
http://www.lawikipeli.com/, to have their say in the film.

Periodically, participants are asked to vote on a character actor or a name of an actor or asked to submit their ideas or put themselves forward for a cameo. There is a calendar which shows key dates in the film-making agenda and each person who signs up gets a co-directors table, where you can view all of the work that needs to be done, i.e. all of the decisions that need to be made in order for the progress to be made. These are divided up into things that users need to vote on and things that users need to nominate themselves for. For example the film is looking for a cameo of an actor who gets preyed upon by a group of beautiful women.

Candidates are invited to submit a video via a YouTube channel of how they would act in a nightclub when they realise that a load of women are checking them out. Users then vote for their favourite candidate to win the role. Other requests include a search for retro furniture to be used in the film. The project is still ongoing and will run until June. Five winners will have the opportunity to help the final film-making.

From choosing the name of the main character...

... to pick up the perfect actor/actress for each role (like this candidate trying to be the perfect pick for a cocky PR girl)
Or even hilarious situations of people wanting to be devoured, the two main directors looking for a restaurant to provide the catering services or asking you to reuse that furniture stuff that you use no more at home; in the end the site is a funny process that is not limited to just one 5-10 minutes microsite experience but that keeps growing and growing while the thing goes on.

The only thing i found regrettable is that, besides a YouTube channel, this might be the kind of project that could use social platforms like Facebook, MySpace or Tuenti to make the experience bigger, not just about providing stuff for the site but allowing people a place to look for others to vote them as the perfect ones for each role or things like that, but i didn't find any Facebook fan page nor a group, just two "users that can be added as friends" but that have no friend actually. The same goes for using mobile platform and RSS feed, or the lack of them. I mean, when something can become so big it should be expanded, otherwise is felt constrained within a single site, being the idea exactly the opposite as it tries to be spread.

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