
Heineken | Road to the Final


Beer and football- a perfect combination to reach a male audience. Hence why Heineken is the global sponsor of the UEFA Champions League (UCL), the most prestigious club platform for international football stars and their clubs. Every year, this sponsorship platform drives awareness and preference for Heineken amongst UCL fans. But in 2013, Heineken wa

nted to evolve the communication of its UCL sponsorship. To deepen its relationship with UCL football fans by offering them something unique. Something that this audience would really enjoy and would therefore drive deeper engagement with the Heineken brand.
The answer was simple- focus on the areas of UCL that resonate most strongly with the male, football-loving audience. Focus on the intense level of competition and comradery that is inherent in football. And provide its male audience with an opportunity to get involved and feel that sense of competition, that comradery for themselves.


The audience for this activity are men 21- 35, intense football fans who are highly competitive. They never pass up an opportunity to challenge a mate and would never back down when challenged themselves. To them, watching UCL football is inspirational- the epitome of athleticism and competition.
EBuzzing needed to find a way to extend the UCL experience from the TV screens, into these men’s hands. To bring the sense of competition to them. The central video asset developed for the campaign- “The Final”- was developed specifically focus to inspire these men. The video showcased the epic lengths that a fan will go to in order to be able to watch the UCL Final. Although the video culminated with the man arriving at the final match, the focus of the video is on the worldwide journey this man is willing to undertake to achieve something that is so important to him, everything from fighting through the jungle, hoping on the back of a stranger’s motorcycle, or managing to entertain harsh borders guards. He will do anything for his passion of the game. This video was used as the hook. It also needed something else to drive action.
Heineken knew its male target is highly competitive, so how could it trigger that passion? ‘The Kick’ online social game was created. An updated version of pinball, ‘The Kick’ was created to be highly addictive for our target- an easy to play, quick game that integrated the Heineken brand, elements of UCL football and was inherently social. The game would promote players to test their skills and to then challenge their friends to do the same. A social scoreboards was created to allow them to compare their results against their friends’, further driving the sense of competition and promoting gameplays.


‘The Final’ video ran on broadcast media around the world through local media and sponsorship packages. The reach of this asset was going to be huge. Heineken needed to capitalise on this awareness to drive engagement with The Kick game. It started with securing a global media world first! Heineken was the first advertisers to use YouTube’s trueview video product. Due to the lack to competition for this product, it delivered cost-efficient views of The Final asset across seven countries, specifically target users who were most likely to engage with the content and drive them to our game.
Through the use of a global video partner, the brand merged the video asset directly with the game in the custom-built widget, capturing the audience who was inspired by the video to immediately challenge them to test their own skills, all without leaving their current online environment. To ensure everyone, anywhere could play this game, a truly state of the art cloud-based hosting solution was created. This solution meant that that game could be played in any environment through the widget and would allow them to handle up to six million concurrent players! It identified a users’ location and tailored the language of the game to create a custom experience. Social media icons prompted players to share their results with friends and challenge them to try to beat their scores, something they knew their mates couldn’t resist! A social scoreboards was created to allow comparing of results, further driving competition and gameplays.


Online views of The Final video delivered over 35 million views, exceeding the target by 26%. The insight was right - this audience can’t say no to a challenge! 76% of those who viewed the video online went on to play The Kick game, with over 6.7 million gameplays of The Kick, smashing the target by 573%! And of those gameplays, over five million were unique players. And they didn’t just play it once - they successfully triggered their competitiveness to play again and try to beat their score.
Average time spent with the game was just under four minutes. With over 500,000 social engagements, they were eager to share with their friends too. Heineken research tracking demonstrated a 4% increase in Heineken’s awareness of UCL versus the previous year. Heineken’s activity brought the passion and competitiveness of UCL football into the hands of the audience.

    Drinks (alcoholic)
    South Africa
    United Kingdom
    April - May 2013

    Lilly | Lilly - Get it out of the way


    Getting men to visit a doctor is difficult in the best of circumstances. Trying to encourage a visit to discuss to Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH enlarged Prostate) is near impossible. And yet that was the primary objective of Lilly’s ED and BPH treatment education campaign.
    Peeling apart the core target provided the insight that these “balanced men" (referred to as "Balanced Barry") – aged 40-65 yrs, active, healthy and in stable relationships - want to enjoy life with their partner and hope nothing gets in the way. As sensitive personal conditions, Balanced Barry is reluctant to talk about them, with anyone: partner, friend, let alone their doctor.
    In fact, research has shown that it can take an average of two years to seek treatment for this condition, with many men not seeking treatment at all, instead viewing this as an untreatable part of the natural aging process. Against this backdrop of embarrassment and stigma, the internet is a unique vehicle which allows for understanding of the condition and the potential treatments available, whilst offering complete discretion. Trust is vital - Balanced Barry wants to ensure they are receiving accurate health information and when investigating the conditions, the first place they turn to would be a trusted medical source.


    Discretion & Integrity. Due to the sensitive nature and strict regulatory requirements, OMD needed to accurately target Balanced Barry. Therefore, it needed digital vehicles that would serve a message against the specific profile. The efforts focused on encouraging men to deal with ED/BPH concerns by connecting them with information that enabled a meaningful conversation with their doctor, helping them realise these conditions are treatable and need not infringe on their relationship.
    The overarching digital strategy was to own Balanced Barry's experiences, within laser targeted male interest sites, in trusted health resources and when they were seeking additional information within Search. The objective was to help support Balanced Barry on his journey to treatment, occupying all of his digital touchpoints, like a trusted friend offering guidance and prompting action. Establishing a long term (always-on) presence was a key goal within these trusted platforms. The agency recognised that standard digital advertising can sometimes be seen as wallpaper, so went deeper by integrating Lilly ED & BPH doctor-produced tools and advice into trusted 3rd Party medical environments. This allowed Lilly to embed content and form a deeper association where men and their partners were going to learn more. Search is also a key resource for men looking for guidance and information.
    Of course, paid search is the backbone to many campaigns and OMD looked to own and optimise the core ED/BPH keywords, to establish real estate in this space, capture traffic and drive to Lilly content areas for greater education and engagement. These relevant partnerships and quality search implementations were further reinforced by serving highly targeted ads via a real-time display buying tool. Focusing in on Barry in their other core areas of interest - News, Sports, men’s lifestyle – these communications acted as reminder messaging, additional to offline media and encouraged prompt action.


    The partnerships with flagship third party independent medical sites involve annual, always-on activity to establish a long term association within the ED/BPH space. While unique solutions were developed in each market, these partnerships delivered deeper engagement and integrity across a breadth of activity:
    - Trusted Medical writers, commissioned to answer new questions on ED and BPH within the site
    - Co-branded Medical Site / Lilly Hub, providing integrated content through an environment the reader trusts
    - Case studies for readers to engage with
    - Sponsorship of ED Health Centres
    These editorial relationships gave understanding and credibility to the Lilly message and drove greater engagement to prompt action – supporting the goals of educating men and getting them to talk to a Doctor. Specific to Search, it concentrated on information seeking terms around ED and BPH, served with continually tested ad copy. Optimisation focused to the Talk to your Doctor and Questionnaire sections of the website (for Barry to print off to take to his doctor). Additionally, bidding on campaign terms and ED/BPH health related terms, connected the audience to content offline to online - allowing them to explore content relating to symptoms, causes, treatment etc., furthering the propensity to talk to a doctor.
    To serve highly targeted messages to these men with limited wastage, OMD utilised digital programmatic buying. This technology offered both contextual and demographic data targeting, combined with the cost efficiency of biddable display media. This ensured it directed the display communications to Balanced Barry effectively and efficiently.


    Independent Millward Brown research proved achievement of the primary objective getting "Balance Barry's" to visit their doctor - on average those who saw the campaign were 45% more likely to visit their doctor. The extremely relevant partnerships dramatically improved our primary “Talk/Find a Doctor” measures. -
    Sweden: In first 5 months 12.2k men read the partnered articles with an outstanding 31% clicking through to Lilly for more guidance
    Spain: CTR jumped from 0.15% display, to 0.71% with the new partnership presence and Talk/Find a Doctor % post click conversion improved to 8.8%, versus 1.2% of previous activity across all markets.
    Search improved the key KPIs during the April/May campaign with 1 in 10 going from homepage to take the ED/BPH health questionnaire and 1 in 16 to visit ‘Find/Talk to your doctor’ (28,000 ED/BPH questionnaire and 18,000 Find/Talk to doctor visits). Overlaying programmatic buying dramatically reduced the cost per KPI (Find/Talk to a Doctor) conversion, with reductions of 51% in Sweden and 67% in Spain vs. previous traditional display.
    A challenging task but the campaign has prompted more "Balanced Barry's" to visit their doctor and solve their ED/BPH problems.

      The Netherlands
      United Kingdom
      Direct Marketing,Digital,Online,Print

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