

Zest, a P&G body soap product, wanted to connect with consumers in an innovative and never-done-before way, to let them know that Zest was a body soap that was truly magical beyond its core benefits of only providing cleanliness and freshness. Thanks to previous campaigns, consumers understood the benefits of the product but lacked an emotional reason to use Zest.
Starcom decided to appeal to people’s inner unfulfilled dreams with a content platform that allowed themselves to reveal their deepest desires.  And what better place to transform and really show what’s under their skin than: The Shower.
With “Descubre lo que hay bajo tu piel con Zest” (Discover what is under your skin with Zest,) the agency re-created those private moments where people unveiled their inner desires.


For the most part, advertising messages about soap product are always about “beauty, cleanliness, or being refreshed.” These messages are repetitive and only address the functional benefits of the brand, not the emotional rewards for the consumer. Although consumers want to feel clean, showering had become a much-needed ritual where a lot of unique and strange things happened – more than just singing a favourite song.
From Starcom’s research, they discovered that the shower was a place where secrets came alive, like a confession booth. It had become a sanctuary where people relive their desires, dreams, fears and unfulfilled business. So by capturing those moments, Zest reminded consumers that in the shower, it was always there to listen to their stories – no matter how zany.
Shower Stories lie at the intersection where the product meets the consumer at its most vulnerable moment, encouraging emotional transformation. These stories lay a foundation for developing a content strategy that is tangible, relatable, immersive, memorable and emotional for the consumer.


Shower Stories was an original production of six episodes aired on national TV. The agency also created the Zest YouTube-branded channel to reach more people for social impact and measurement. The stories were innovative because they were based on the idea that people let go of their inhibitions and reflect on their inner desires in the shower.  While Zest “uncovers what’s under your skin,” it also lets you discover your heart.
After the first segment aired on YouTube, Zest received an unprecedented amount of stories from people telling them what they did when they were in the shower. Some of the real-life stories were racy, others were just plain funny, but the all of them included the soap as their only companion, their key audience during the shower.
The agency also took the concept to retail. At stores where people bought Zest, mock shower booths were installed, with a microphone, shower cap, towels, hair wigs and other shower-related props. Everyone, including kids, adults, young adults, all where suddenly interested in reliving their own shower stories. They took a bath in the in-store mock-shower, in front of everyone, just to get their picture taken and later share with friends and families.
Suddenly the branded-channel called attention with more than a million views. Zest decided to open the conversation directly with their audience to maximize the viewing experience. The brand invited people to take a shower with Zest to uncover what is under their skin and share it with the world – people shared their amazing stories on YouTube - and because they were water-conscious, they asked that showers were limited to one minute.


The agency created a content platform to remind them that it was okay to dream big or overcome their fears, even if just for one minute.  The stories were not only engaging but viral in nature as people ran with the desire to create their own stories via video uploads, revealing their dreams to their friends or to the world.  The relevancy of this content opened doors for Paid, Owned and Earned Media to garner unprecedented results.
“Shower Stories” validated the effectiveness of communicating a simple yet meaningful brand message, one that’s driven by content and community engagement. Sharing can reinvigorate a brand even in the face of fierce competition and familiar product features.
If the campaign provided at least 1 million people with a refreshing smile or moment of reflection, then the project was a success. Zest’s YouTube channel has earned 2.4 million unique views to date and built a community who shares real-life confessions and heartfelt messages. Fans surprised and delighted the brand with tales of running away from office life or showering in their clothes.
Of course, it doesn’t hurt to move the bottom line. Since the start of the campaign, Zest’s sales have increased by 23%.
This campaign was awarded 'Best Use of Content' at The Festival of Media LatAm Awards 2013.

    Procter & Gamble
    October - December 2012
    Starcom Mediavest

    KFC Add Hope | The Journey of Hope


    Today, there are millions of children around the world that don’t having their basic needs met, thousands of them in South Africa. Through no fault of their own, children are hungry - for love, security, education, food.
    In 2009 KFC recognised this, and put into action the initiative now known as Add Hope. KFC Add Hope is an in-store mechanic that gives customers an opportunity to donate ZAR2 towards feeding hungry children. It’s a way to show the world that big brands can be about more than the bottom line. It’s a way to show that multi-national organisations are capable of capturing and mobilising the spirit of giving, the spirit of sharing, the spirit of truly affecting change in the societies where they function.
    In 2011 the brand put in a mammoth effort and raised ZRR9.6 million. Every cent of which went directly into filling empty tummies.
    In 2012 KFC commissioned adventurer Riaan Manser, to do the Journey of Hope: a 4100km expedition around the country. In just two months, Riaan cycled the word “hope” across the South African map on half the calories he needed. He would stop in at charities along the way, inspiring children and showing the public the difference a single meal could make, if only they just Added Hope.
    And they did. Last year KFC raised R12.6 million. This means that 40 000 children have food every month because of the brand’s commitment to change the world in which it operates.


    The nature of the Journey of Hope was fast paced. MediaEdge had to film as Riaan Manser was cycling because the schedule did not allow them to re-shoot anything. From the date he started the Journey of Hope (14-09-2012), he had to cycle 130km’s, every day to arrive at the final destination and event on time (02-11-2012). From the 14-09-2012, when the Journey of Hope started, MediaEdge had 12 television deadlines. Meaning they needed to film, edit, grade, mix and telestream to the broadcaster: 1 episode and 1 promo per week for the following 6 weeks.
    The on the road Production team consisted of a Production Manager and Production Coordinator. The DOP had a camera assistant. The Producer and Director would join at each charity. The entire Journey of Hope was filmed using 3 Canon DSLR cameras and various lenses to capture Riaan Manser’s struggle and the beautiful South African landscape. MediaEdge opted for the DSLR cameras due to their fantastic image quality, the interchangeable lenses and their compact size.
    The Director and DOP were selected for their incredible vision, experience and delivery of quality under extreme pressure. The episodes were edited on FCP and colouring was done by a professional telecine company. The audio of each episode was given the attention of a TVC. Each episode underwent 4 phases of approvals, spread across agency, client and broadcaster. All in 7 days.

    Brand fit

    KFC is a QSR and the idea sparked for them. KFC believed that their central business - feeding people - could also be the point of contact where they could make an impact to make the world a better place.
    The Journey of Hope TV series brought the work that they do to alleviate the hunger of South Africa’s underprivileged and forgotten children to life. MediaEdge highlighted the scale, scope and reach of their effort by creating an epic solo cycling expedition that literally spelt the word ‘hope’ across the country. The agency showed the devastating impact of malnutrition by only providing Riaan Manser, the celebrity explorer, with half the calories his body needed to sustain his effort. Lastly, they brought the impact of a ZAR2 donation, the amount of money KFC requires to provide a meal to a starving child, to life by showing the stores of hope that have sprouted from the work that Add Hope has done over the past couple of years.


    TV Viewership: 1.2mil
    Online views: 5787
    581 people participated in a total of 1831 conversations about the campaign.
    There were 4.45mil opportunities to see the conversation.
    The campaign generated ZAR7 mil worth of earned media at an ROI of 1:34.
    ZAR12 mil worth’s donations were collected in 2012 – which translates to 6mil meals in 2013. An increase of 33% from 2011
    KFC Add Hope
    South Africa
    October - November 2012

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