
Kickers Crisps | A Crazy Dane Rapping In Finnish


Estrella, the second largest snack brand in Finland, had failed to break into the shaped snacks (‘shapes’) category despite serious launch attempts during recent years. Shapes currently stand for 8% of the total snacks category and hold considerable potential for future growth. A classic favourite shapes product from the 90s, Kickers was withdrawn from the market by Estrella 15 years ago. Ever since, consumers have been requesting it back.
Could bringing Kickers back turn Estrella’s fortunes in the shapes category? The re-launch faced a couple of major challenges: First, the marketing budget available for the project was very limited. Second, the snacks category is highly competitive and impulse driven. Third, even though Kickers had its loyal fans from the 90s, the main consumers of shapes are 16-25 year-olds - far too young to remember the previous golden era of Kickers. Having no equity in the market was both a blessing and a curse. In the mind of the target group Estrella didn’t have much to build on, yet it had every opportunity to introduce Kickers to a new generation of fans and make it a superstar again. How could it capture their attention, and make them try Kickers?


It was clear from the start that the target group had certain special characteristics that needed to be considered. Authenticity is highly valued by young people today, so Dagmar saw an opportunity to focus on something that was genuine for Finnish youth. The Finns are rightly proud of their heritage, but at the same time aware of being from a small country. Hence, they are extremely flattered when a foreigner shows interest in them. It also found that music plays an important role in the everyday life of young people, and Finnish rap music in particular has become very popular. Young people see themselves as forerunners and like to participate in new phenomena.
Dagmar knew that a traditional media campaign would not solve the challenges, so it needed to find something new and unusual. The solution slowly emerged from a totally unknown young Danish guy called Andreas with a unique talent. Together with its production company, they discovered this crazy Dane who had uploaded a YouTube a video of himself rapping a well-known song in Finnish. Linguistically it was perfect but the guy didn’t know a word of Finnish. How did he do it? Why? There was massive potential for a cool and targeted comeback for Kickers.


Dagmar decided to get this charming, funny and talented Danish rapper on-board - and four months before the launch of Kickers, met with Andreas and developed a communication plan. First, Dagmar needed to make the Kickers name recognisable among the target group. The Danish rapper claimed the stage name ‘K1ckerz’ and was filmed performing popular Finnish rap songs. He created a YouTube channel for his work. When the original artists of these songs heard about this, they got so inspired by K1ckerz that they started sharing his videos with their own fans. This gave K1ckerz instant credibility. The mass media also spotted the crazy Dane. Soon K1ckerz video was the most viewed entertainment clip on Iltalehti, the largest online newspaper in Finland. K1ckerz was also interviewed on national radio.

The media raised K1ckerz visibility and credibility which, in turn, ramped up commentary on YouTube. The YouTube channel quickly grew in numbers of views. Facebook comments skyrocketed. A quirky new phenomenon was born. To take Kickers to the next level of stardom, the campaign team helped him write and perform his own rap song, carefully written as a parody of a first love; a first love of Kickers. Finland’s No.1 music video production company produced a professional music video for the song in which Kickers starred. It became the official re-launch platform for the Kickers brand, with subtle but relevant and self-ironic product placement throughout.


The execution of the Kickers launch was a major success. The critical target group did not react negatively to the product placement – because it just made sense. Estrella created a new phenomenon which raised a lot of earned media. In a population of five million the music video got over 400,000 views, fueled solely through social media and PR. The consumers didn’t consider K1ckerz a ‘fake’ artist – they think he made a good first single and has a promising future.
During the launch there was a moment of Kickers-mania when stores simply ran out of the product and the Estrella factory had to work through the night to meet the sudden explosion demand. A smart idea followed by excellent and fearless execution pushed Estrella Kickers into the big league of the Finnish snacks market. A quite unusual relaunch.
Kickers Crisps

Safeguard | Pamilya OnGuard


Safeguard has been the No.1 soap brand in the Philippines for decades. Its brand promise of superior skin germ protection has kept families healthy for generations. But in 2013, that position was under threat - not so much from products offering better germ protection, but from changing consumer attitudes. Thanks to an improving economy, Filipinos were wealthier than ever before and their triggers for soap purchase were changing. With more disposable income, they were no longer satisfied by simple germ protection; now they wanted to look as beautiful as the celebrities they saw on TV. Critically the brand faced three key challenges:
• Wealthy Filipinos were becoming complacent about hygiene. Swept up by their new found affluence, they no longer felt exposed to the same health risks as in the past.
• Safeguard’s promise of better family hygiene was invisible to the naked eye. Mums couldn’t see a demonstrable difference between the anti-bacterial benefits of Safeguard and the performance of beauty soaps.
• The home hygiene market was fast becoming part of the beauty market – and soaps offered the most affordable entry point.
But, while rivals now offering moisturising or whitening products, Safeguard hadn’t kept up. With sales going down the plug hole, MediaCom needed to get Safeguard back to the top of mum’s shopping list. It needed to remind mums why skin germ protection was so important and make family hygiene a priority again.


Consumers didn’t just need to reassess the importance of skin germ protection, they needed to make it a priority. They needed to create a sense of urgency around the issue and reconnect with wealthier mums. MediaCom realised that, while the economy might have improved, mums’ core priorities hadn’t changed. They still worried about their family’s safety and security - and mum was the person everyone turned to when danger struck. The agency knew that mums regularly tune in to breaking news, via TV, news sites, news alerts and the Facebook pages of key channels. In fact, news and current affairs had the greatest affinity among mums and consistently high ratings.
The strategy needed to leverage both their concern for their family and their consumption of breaking news. They needed to shock them from their complacency. But they ouldn’t cry wolf. The warnings had to be credible, rapid and appear whenever there was an issue. Safeguard needed to go beyond being just a skin hygiene brand, and become an early warning system for worried mums. The solution would be real-time breaking news. It would interrupt mums’ normal viewing and jolt them into action, helping keep their families safe. It would highlight the dangers of regular events, such as the floods that regularly overwhelm the Philippines’ poor drainage systems, and more regional issues such as bird flu outbreaks. Safeguard would become the national news agency for hygiene risk stories. Each would be reported credibly and with urgency. It would highlight the importance of antibacterial soap in cleaning wounds and preventing the spread of sickness. It would tell mums: it’s time to make sure your family is protected.


Safeguard created a brand-new, breaking news service focused on hygiene risks. Pamilya On Guard used real news to help mums protect and care for their families. It partnered with the country’s leading news and current affairs media network, ABS-CBN, to build a team of well-known news veterans and star reporters briefed to identify daily news stories that were relevant to the brand. Each content piece was anchored on real-time news designed to make mums realise the clear dangers her family was facing right now. Pamilya On-Guard provided new-to-the world information straight from credible experts. It reacted rapidly to emergencies and calamities across the country and abroad to make sure the mums had the information they needed as soon as possible.

The content was aired across free TV, niche/cable TV and radio in a regular timeslot, with added news plugs to promote each episode. In digital, content was integrated this content into the ABS-CBN website and mobile app. It even had its own news section on Facebook and used Twitter to push new content.


Pamilya On Guard has become an established news programme and now attracts higher ratings than ABS-CBN’s own news breaks. It was so credible that even the Department of Health has become a partner in the programme and other P&G brands are now using the same format to build product relevance.
• Sales grew by nearly $2m during the campaign, helping to sell an extra 14 millions bars of Safeguard in just six months.
• Since the launch of Pamilya On Guard, Safeguard White shares are the highest they have been in three years.
• Unaided Brand Awareness has increased by 232% amongst the Safeguard target market.
• Since the start of the programme, Safeguard has successfully grown the home hygiene category by 2% whilst beauty sales have declined by 5%. Ultimately Safeguard was able to not only attract new users but also convert beauty soap consumers.
• Pamilya On Guard continues to educate Filipino mums about the importance of family hygiene protection.

    Procter & Gamble
    April - September 2013
    Direct Marketing,Digital,Mobile,Radio,TV

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