
Avon | Crazy For The Kisses


A kiss is the purest and most beautiful act to demonstrate trust and appreciation to those we love, but many times the vertiginous rhythm of life we live in does not allow us to express it in its real dimension and we lose the opportunity to share a “good morning” or “I love you” with this expression of love.
Starcom needed to find the perfect place, that represents a starting point from which Avon could connect its consumers, make them think about the value of the kiss and allow this story travelling to different parts of the city reaching to a great number of people, linking all this to the launch of the new Avon lipstick Ultra Colour Rich Totally Kissable.


Chile is on its way to become a developed country and Santiago, the capital city, represents all the dynamics of a rushed and rough life. Transport, specifically the Subway of Santiago, symbolises this scenery of permanent stress where around 2.4 million people circulate daily (almost 35% of the city’s population). They come and go without noticing who is next to them, they walk in a hurry, discuss and interact in an impersonal way. 
Transfer stations are the places on the Subway where people change lines and can walk through wider spaces. There is where Starcom was capable of calling their attention through an attractive BTL action, which made them stop, watch, and interact, by establishing a natural dialogue between them and the brand, giving them a small but important moment to think about the value of a kiss to later send it to different destinations.


In the terrace of the transfer in one of the most crowded Subway stations, and starting point towards the four cardinal points of the city, the agency built a stage where the American plastic artist Natalie Irish would create a portrait only with her lips, live, during the peak hour.

The action immediately called the attention of all the people circulating in that place, especially by women, who enjoyed watching step by step how Natalie was creating a beautiful portrait of a woman with her lipstick Ultra Colour Rich Totally Kissable, her great talent, and the umbrella of the campaign called “Crazy for the kisses”.
The event was widely spread on social networks through mobile phones, retweeted and labelled on Facebook thousands of times. Media covered the news helping to amplify the action rapidly, generating additional content without cost for the brand during that day and the following ones.
But the most important of all: Avon stopped consumers for a while, giving them a great moment of reflection and experience, from which they could give themselves the opportunity to understand that a kiss can become the most beautiful piece of art, that it summarises all those things that cannot be said with words, and that from the instant that it is given it can be saved for ever in memories.


Despite the limited budget provided for this event, the action was a huge success. Main media across the country broadcasted live the action, reaching coverage of +528% of the allocated to mass communication.
The campaign achieved:
• 38 minutes of coverage in terms of content in the media that attended to cover the event.
• 1,500 samplings of the lipstick Avon Ultra Colour Rich Totally Kissable to women that were in the Subway station.
• 1,652 virtual kisses through a Facebook application.
• Over 2,300 likes on Facebook were generated organically thanks to this activity.
• More than 26,000 views of the video were achieved in the Avon Chile YouTube channel.
But even more important; since this action and the good reception of this experience among our consumers, the concept of the value of a kiss started a trip towards different points of Santiago, it spread alongside the women and surely the stories built with kisses are being told until now.
July - August 2013

Redd's Apple Ale | Redd's Apple Launcher


In a crowded marketplace filled with “up-and-coming” alcoholic beverages, from craft beer to hard ciders, MillerCoors needed to set its new Redd’s Apple Ale apart. While an apple-flavoured beer was something different than other beers on the market, it still presented a tall task, especially in targeting a consumer group moving away from all beers except craft.
The war for market share in the beer category is brutal. With millions of Millennials venturing off into spirits and wines—compounded by increasing competition from the growing cider category—Initiative had its work cut out. Redd’s is the first (and only) hybrid beer-cider in the field, but having a unique product isn’t enough in today’s landscape. It needed to position the drink in a way that not only appealed to a notoriously fickle audience, but gave legitimacy as a real beer option, instead of merely a passing fad.


When the agency delved into the consumer (males 21-34), one thing struck: More than any other demographic, these consumers needed to be the first to try new food and drinks—almost as a badge of honour. Initiative had the beginnings of a strategy, as it now knew that positioning Redd’s as a “must try” beverage was the way in. 
But do this, it needed to create a buzz loud enough to influence the target in a fun, new way. So the agency set about developing a fully interactive campaign that felt fresh, new, and most of all, buzzworthy.  Initiative needed to engage the consumer in their everyday life by selling the idea of “embracing the unexpected” and branching out from the drab and normal. After brainstorming and testing dozens of ideas, it settled on a two-prong strategy to bring the insight to life.
The first goal was to visualize how different Redd’s is, and in the process mark its stake as a brand trying to do something different. To accomplish this, Initiative set out to highlight the apple’s iconography in American culture and show the fruit in out-of-the-ordinary ways using various out-of-home executions, 60-second spots, in cinema, and on pages in Rolling Stone and Entertainment Weekly. 
The second part of the strategy was to put the power in the consumer’s hands and execute a completely new way to show the product “in action.”


Enter Redd’s Apple Launcher: a first of its kind interactive experience that allowed online and app users to launch real apples at a real target, in real time. Users that logged on the website were greeted with several options at the “Redd’s Bar” where they could select what and who they wanted to shoot with the apple launcher.
But the fun didn’t stop there. Because only one user could shoot the launcher at a time, Initiative created a way to let those waiting in the queue engage with the brand, whether that was choosing the song that would play next or what should happen in the funhouse. Users also received points for their performance and were entered to win daily prizes, including Living Social Deal Bucks, sunglasses, and glassware.
It also developed a TV partnership with Big Bang Theory and Myth Busters to promote the event, and partnered with uStream to launch a “uStream Takeover” that got cross-channel pollination from media outlets including CNN, Yahoo!, Washington Post and Monocle.


The Redd’s Apple Launcher campaign “literally” catapulted the beer into consumer’s consciousness and allowed it to overtake its main competitor to become the fifth-fastest growing beer brand in only four months, according to Nielsen.  Volume goals were exceeded six months prior to the first year of sales and it became the #1 selling FMB six-pack at 7-Eleven and Harris Teeter within four months. Awareness from the target for Redd’s reached 57% seven months into launch (Millward Brown, ACT tracker) as well.
The Redd’s Apple Launcher website received over 175,000 visits across just five days with a 92% new visitor average (Google Analytics) and over 27,000 sweepstakes entries were submitted (Ignition) via the app.
Brand integrations also showed considerable success with media platforms including BuzzFeed, Discovery, and Yahoo, delivering over 52 million impressions (Media Mind). Social integration through 13 launcher-related posts reached over 1.5 million people with 6,000+ likes, 439 comments and 320 shares (Facebook Analytics). Integrations into Maxim magazine resulted in over 12K scans and over 2K video sweepstakes entries, while digital promotions through Maxim beat interaction benchmarks by 17 times the average (Data provided from Maxim, benchmark via Media Mind). Now, only a short time after launch, Redd’s has become a household name.
Redd's Apple Ale
Drinks (alcoholic)
United States
June - July 2013

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