
Samsung | Oscars Selfie


In 2014, Samsung partnered with the Oscars to introduce the world to One Samsung: a connected suite of premium products united by incredible innovation and unmatched design. The challenge was to demonstrate Samsung as an innovation leader in screens from the 1.56-inch screen on a Gear to the 110-inch Curved UHD TV screen and everything in between.
72andSunny’s task was to put Samsung front and centre of the cultural conversation during the biggest celebration of on-screen action. When something incredible happens in our lives we use our screens to share it with others.


The idea was that incredible things happen on Samsung screens. The agency’s strategy was to show that from big to small, Samsung has the most premium screens on the market. It showed this by surrounding the Oscars event with media opportunities demonstrating the brilliance of Samsung screens.


Incredible things happened…
On TV: Five minutes of airtime showcased Samsung’s product line.
On the red carpet: “The Oscars Backstage” sponsorship provided exclusive access to the green room, which featured a wall made out of 86 Samsung products. A Samsung Selfie station let celebs take and post pictures via a Samsung tablet. @TheAcademy posted 10 promoted celebrity selfies taken from the green room.
In digital: Display and video ads on Oscars.com and in a companion mobile app.
During the show: The first-ever Oscars product integration within the ceremony. Oscars host Ellen out the Note 3 front and centre by integrating the device into the show as part of the negotiation. Ellen took a selfie with some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities and the world contributed to its success on the second screen.


The Galaxy Note 3 was front and centre during the ceremony, including the record-breaking “selfie” Ellen snapped in front of 656 million global viewers. The selfie generated 2.3 million+ tweets, crashing Twitter within just 34 minutes, and more than 65 celebrities re-tweeted the selfie.
- 34 million Facebook impressions
- 2.1 billion meme impressions
- 428 million combined online, print and broadcast impressions within the first 10 days
- 18% lift in ‘likelihood to recommend Samsung’ from the week prior to post Oscars
- 16%+ rise in brand sentiment on Twitter during Oscars week climbing to 42% weeks later (23/03). 

Electronic Goods
United States
February - April 2014

MegaFon | Megafaces - Sochi Olympic Pavilion


MegaFon, the general partner of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, with its Olympic activation needed to reinforce its customers’ loyalty and mobile internet usage as well as to stimulate mobile internet trial by other network customers in the time of Mobile Number Portability (MNP).
In early 2013 the Olympics seemed “very official and unapproachable” for most Russians. MegaFon found a phenomenal business opportunity to encourage everyone to leave their personal mark in the Games history and put its high-speed mobile internet at the core, inviting fans to write a new digital chapter of the Olympics.


Megafaces – MegaFon’s Olympic Pavilion – became a pinnacle of the five month Olympic campaign ‘Create Your Own Olympic History’ and gave everyone the opportunity for an epic “I was there” Olympic moment – for THE best selfie ever!


The 2,000 square metre Pavilion featured the world’s first large scale LEC kinetic façade, becoming a digital Mount Rushmore. Customers from across Russia and visitors to the Olympic Park had their faces photographed and transferred to the Pavilion façade. It was designed to function like a huge pin screen that could extend out to a depth of up to two metres. The façade of the Pavilion was made up of over 11,000 actuators and was capable of rendering 3D images eight metres tall by six metres wide. It morphed every 50 seconds, with three faces featured at any one time, enlarged by 3,500%.

A 3D processing engine ran automatically to algorithmically position, scale and re-light the raw scan data from a virtual photo booth. The effect this created was akin to a digital tromp l'oeil – the first of its kind.


MegaFaces was a runaway success. More than 400 news articles featured in the Russian media and over 600 internationally established the pavilion as one of the iconic symbols of Sochi 2014. More than 140,000 participants’ faces were shown throughout the Games and more than 100,000 posts and tweets.
This impressive campaign was awarded the Innovation Lions Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2014.

February - February 2014

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