
4D in-store projection

Projection events have become increasingly popular as one-off stunts. This is the first example we've seen where the technology has been employed on such a scale, indoors and for a prolonged period, as part of a campaign

Ralph Lauren has been wearing its digital heart on its sleeve of late. Much of this is down to David Lauren (son of Ralph), who as SVP of advertising, marketing and corporate communications is widely recognised as the man who has helped bring the Ralph Lauren brand into the digital age.

Luxury brands were initially a bit slow to embrace digital. Decades of high quality glossy print and expensive live shows were ingrained on the luxury and fashion marketing consciousness. 

There was a superior attitude that the quality and equity of a brand spoke for itself, and luxury brands largely ignored the opportunities of digital, save for a few expensive looking flash based websites.
Fortunately this has begun to change, and when Drive Production’s giant horses came crashing through the walls of a German department store to help promote the new ‘Design Your Own’ collection from Ralph Lauren, the fashion brand’s mastery of digital became apparent.

When Ralph Lauren celebrated its '10 Years of Digital' anniversary with an extravagant 4D projection in New York and London in December, it was more a media event than a campaign. But when Ralph Lauren launched its 'Design Your Own' collection at Berlin's prestigious KaDeWe department store, the 8-minute film was re-configured for the indoor location.

'Design Your Own' is a new customisable range of polo shirts. Customers select their colour of shirt, and can then choose their favourite Ralph Lauren monogram, in whatever colour they choose - creating the perfect polo just for them.
The atrium of one of Europe's largest luxury department stores, the KaDeWe in Berlin, has been taken over for the entire month of August, with a bespoke 4D digital arts installation from Drive Productions running six times a day. This is the first time 4D mapping has been used inside a fashion store anywhere in the world.
Powerful architectural projection mapping technology takes the audience on a visual journey, creating the illusion that images of models, products and on occasion polo ponies are literally appearing beyond the walls and floating out into space and towards the audience. The experience featured a new ending, to incorporate the 'Design Your Own' collection,.
At each screening, the atrium at KaDeWe - a large, brightly lit space is turned into a cinematic presentation area in a matter of minutes with the use of a combination of motorised blinds, projection screens and heavy black velvet drapes. The projection area is equivalent in size to six double decker buses.
Drive's motion graphics team created the impression of a building projection on the clean, white interior architecture at KaDeWe by projecting 3D architectural geometry, onto and into which the content of the show had been mapped.

Ben Fender, company director of Drive Productions, commented: "Architectural 4d video mapping is that rare thing - a technique that still has the wow factor - both in terms of the creative and technological possibilities it gives brands and in terms of consumer reactions to it.

But the key factor to the success of this medium is the transformational content where It is now possible to create art installations that act as stand-alone pieces of global advertising- bringing together art technology and in this case 'design your own' fashion into one perfect package."

Ralph Lauren 4D Projection Mapping Show, Berlin

The Official Ralph Lauren 4D Experience - New York

The Official Ralph Lauren 4D Experience - London

BRAND:Ralph Lauren
BRAND OWNER: Ralph Lauren
REGION: Germany
DATE: August - August 2011

Jack & Jones Fitness Club

Using sex to sell isn't innovative, but the clever addition of a VIP club to persuade even casual viewers to submit personal information takes advantage of the viral potential of the site.

A campaign that uses overtly sexual imagery to drive consumer engagement. It isn't big, and it isn't clever, but this online fitness studio that promotes the spring/summer collection from men's fashion brand Jack & Jones provides hours of entertainment.
Jack & Jones is a brand for the fashion-conscious man about town. Positioned toward the premium end of the crowded high street category, it's important for a brand like J&J to keep men interested. Unsurprising then, that J&J decided the best course of action was to treat the boys to a pretty lady who would cavort about on their computer screens.
Visitors to the Jack & Jones Fitness studio first of all choose their look from the collections on offer. Based on the premise of teach the user some exercises that will help get them in the best shape to show off their new outfit, a helpful gym instructor shows the lucky online shopper some helpful moves. In her pants.
The premise is simple, slightly ridiculous but excellently realised digitally.
Visitors who want to see more can visit the VIP club, with the promise of more gym class demonstrations. A pass to the VIP club can be obtained by purchasing product or submitting some personal details to a mailing list.
Once in the VIP section, the Jack & Jones instructor offers classes in skipping, pole dancing and trampolining.  As an extra treat, the viewer can switch on options, such as slow-motion or water, to add to the experience.
An associated Jack & Jones Fitness Studio iPhone app replicates the experience for mobile, helping users to "get in shape and ready for action".

BRAND:Jack & Jones
BRAND OWNER:Bestseller A/S
REGION:DenmarkFinlandGermanyThe NetherlandsNorwaySwedenUnited Kingdom
DATE:June 2011 - ongoing

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