Problem: Alternative, Alternative Apparel, Alternative Earth. This brand has 5 different names and multiple websites. But when you say, Alternative Apparel, people wonder what kind of American Apparel product extension you’re talking about. That’s a problem for premium priced clothing company selling basics.
Insight: Inspiring creativity is the common thread through all of Alternative Apparel’s messaging. All creative people have to deal with the blank page and the first mark. The moment of creation.
Solution: Refocus the brand to their original mission–to create the world’s best T-Shirt. So we recommended that they drop the “Alternative” and just be “Apparel.”
We want to emphasize the brand’s muted soft cotton clothing. Letting their clothes become the blank slate of a wardrobe. So that creatives can dress quietly but create loudly.
Their messaging, clothing, website and in-store will all emphasize the infinite potential of a blankness.
New Proposed Branding:
Proposed Website
Flagship Store Design
Old Branding:
- Logo Evolution: Original Logo, Updated Logo, Our Proposed Logo
AD: Sarah Kraus
CT: Josh Souter
CW: Adam Aceino (wrote, edited and co-shot video)
Brand Manager: Lisa Scotti
Planner: Jennifer Martin
CT: Josh Souter
CW: Adam Aceino (wrote, edited and co-shot video)
Brand Manager: Lisa Scotti
Planner: Jennifer Martin
CD: Kelly O’Keefe