Oscars Best Animated Short Film -- a 16-minute film done almost entirely out of, literally, thousands of logos. Created by the French collective H5, and winner of the 2009 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, Logorama is not only a clever idea that brings to life some of the most ubiquitous marks of our time, but one that manages to exploit the meaning and conceptions we have of those marks and the brands behind them —
7 Skills for a Post-Pandemic Marketer
The impact of Covid-19 has had a significant impact across the board with the marketing and advertising industry in 2020, but there is hope...
Stretching 60 metres across and featuring blue halo lighting, sculptured front-lit lettering 2.5 metres tall and a variety of 2D cut-out cha...
Creating online content is easy. However, creating actionable online content without using the right tools can be quite challenging. The g...
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